Whether it is accepted by some or all, Guyana belongs to all of us. Consequently, it is befitting for us to do what is right for Guyana and our fellow citizens. The daily narrow-mindedness by the government does not set a tone for an inclusive Guyana nor fosters the climate that would facilitate peace and harmony. Whether or not some argue this is ‘their time’ because they are in office or ‘their government’ is elected to office, it needs not be forgotten that once a government is in office that government must govern in the interest of all. It is the government’s responsibility not only to safeguard the sovereignty of the nation from foreign and domestic enemies, but to ensure the citizenry is assured of that safety.
We are all Guyanese, and this time is your time as much as it is everyone’s time. The studied and deliberative approaches of picking out sections in the society, as though marked for social and economic annihilation, because of who they are, or under whose administration they were appointed or benefitted from some government transaction is counterproductive to nation-building. There is no justification, for any government, to engage in acts that could seeds of discord unless to heighten tensions and division. A people divided can never build a nation. There must be common values that hold us together and those values are not singularly determined.
Regardless of what any individual holding public office, elected or appointed, may think, there exists no manifesto, no rule that permits actions that violate the canons of good governance, the Constitution and Laws of Guyana. A society that is inured or blinded to acts of violation against others because they are not directly affected is a society that has lost its moral compass, its sense of nationhood, its sisterliness and brotherliness.
There should be no satisfaction, however one may feel aggrieved or affected by any previous government to accept or justify the wrongs of the present government. It does not say much about those who remain silent in the presence of wrong whether affected or not. Mahatma Gandhi reminds us “An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind.” With no disregard for the visually impaired, Guyana cannot continue a pathway of darkness less there be collision.
There resides that inner voice demanding of persons to speak out about the wrongdoings. Speaking to this does not mean one does not support a party, group or government, but it says that person takes pride in promoting human decency and their support resides not in silence in the face of wrong. Without exception, Guyana belongs to every single Guyanese, irrespective of the political party they support, where they live, their socio economic circumstance, whether they voted. It is wrong on so many fronts to report or hear a government that ought to be of the people and for all the people, pursuing a path to make some persona non grata.
Guyanese must feel at home in their country regardless of which political party is in government. The desire to leave or not return must never be because as Guyanese one does not feel welcome or their service is not valued in their own country. This sense of alienation, of being harassed, of being hated in one’s own country is an indictment on the perpetrators of these policies not the victims.
The skills of those who have opted to stay or return to develop this land, their fellow citizens and self ought to be applauded not detested or stomped on. A society as ours where approximately 80 percent of university graduates have sought greener pastures abroad, those who remain or return deserve the opportunity to participate in the public sector, if they so choose. The skills being forced out by the administration is to the detriment of the nation and its development, it is to the detriment of diversity, to forging racial unity and attracting competence.
It is one thing to remove political appointees, particularly if they are in sensitive areas, and quite another to witch-hunt. People employed in the public service by the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) coalition government are being vindictively purged from the public service. It is a willful act and sets out to shame them not because they lack the qualifications but because of under which regime they were employed. Guyana cannot attract and retain competent and professional skills in this manner.
There is an attempt to take control of Guyana and all its space by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic government to the extent where people are now living in fear. Those that are being targeted are being used as examples for others. If the silence to what is happening continues it is only a matter of time before there is total subjugation.