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By Al-Hajj Shahabudeen Ahmad, President CIOG
In the name of Allah (SWT), The Merciful, The Compassionate O Allah bless our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAS), the light of lights, the secret of secrets, the antidote for depression and the key to the door of ease. Asalaamu-Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi WaBarakatuh.
May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah (SWT) be with you all.
My brothers and sisters in Islam and humanity, on this joyful occasion of observing the birth and life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAS), I extend to you on behalf of the Central Islamic Organization of Guyana greetings on the Mawlid. I pray that Allah (SWT) continue to bless us and accept all our devotion and service. Ameen.
More than fourteen hundred years ago, Allah (SWT) bestowed his greatest mercy upon humanity by sending the prophet Muhammad (SAS) to teach the message of the Quraan and guide humanity with his exemplary conduct. The Prophet’s (SAS) character was of such high moral excellence that Allah (SWT) Himself mentioned his greatness.
And you are of the highest standard of character (Quran 68:4) The Prophet (SAS) was destined to be the best human ever to live on Earth— the most virtuous, the most patient, the most loving, the most courteous, the most merciful among men, the best to his wives, his friends, his family, the most honest, the most trustworthy, and so much more that even his enemies testified to it.
We are reminded in many narrations that when the Prophet (SAS) was born, the thrones of kings shook, palaces crumbled, and idols in the Kabah fell, and fire that was worshipped extinguished. Prophet Muhammad (SAS) participated fully in social life. He married and had a household. He endured hardships as an orphan and an adult, but he always exhibited humanity and tolerance. He set aside time to detach himself from the hustle bustle of daily life and practice contemplation and meditation. He exercised utmost kindness and showed concern for the weak. His loving kindness extended over all things. He was noted for his great love of children, greeting them, praying for them, joining them in their games, and showing utmost respect to them. He was also known for his love of animals.
His love and compassion for his fellow beings and his concern for their welfare in all spheres of human endeavors are recorded in many of his sayings. He was a ruler concerned with the welfare of his subjects. His total involvement in social welfare of the community earned him high praises and respect. He continually sought improved relationship between members of the Muslim community and those of other faiths, preaching and practicing brotherhood, tolerance, and patience. His concern for peace and harmony in all spheres of human activity was paramount.
The Prophet (SAS) was of such a high and sublime character that, after years of persecution, he marched triumphant into the city of his birth at the head of the largest army ever assembled in Arabian history. With his head bowed in humility, He declared a general amnesty and granted war criminals refuge. The Prophet’s (SAS) magnanimity was so powerful that it led to a mass conversion among the citizens of Makkah. Even Abu Sufyan, his archenemy, embraced the religion of Islam. In the months that followed, almost all of Arabia dispatched representatives to swear allegiance to the Prophet (SAS) and to enter into the faith of Islam. During a period of twenty-three years, Prophet Muhammad (SAS), Peace be upon Him, had succeeded in uniting a feuding people trapped in cycles of violence into one people with a sense of destiny and a mission that would transform the world.
The Prophet (SAS) died on the same day he was born, in his home while he lived in for ten years in Madinah, on a bed made of leather stuffed with palm fibers, in the arms of his beloved wife Aisha (RA). His dying words were, “Treat your women well, and do not oppress your servants, the prayer, the prayer, don’t be neglectful of the prayer. O God, my highest companion, my highest companion.”
The occasion of celebrating the birth and life of our Master and Guide Prophet Muhammad (SAS) should be used to strengthen our will to follow His example. Are we emulating Him by trying to be merciful to our fellow man? If we aren’t, we should understand that our adherence to His tradition is wanting. Let us reflect on one of his messages, “Wealth, social position and racial superiority do not give special status to anyone; all of you are equal in the eyes of God. It is only the path of righteous, which makes you a distinguished human being.”
We should remember that our love for the Prophet (SAS) will be a means of our being with Him (SAS) God Willing. Let us spend these days in increased prayer upon the Prophet (SAS), his family, and for all of Humanity. Let us repent to Allah (SWT) and renew our commitment to following the Laws of Allah (SWT) by following the middle way; the way of Prophet Muhammad (SAS).
I ask Allah (SWT) to bless all of you and join us in praising our Beloved Prophet (SAS) O Allah, bless our Master Muhammad, who opened what was closed and sealed what was before. He makes the truth victorious by the truth and he is the guide to Your Straight Path. And bless his Household as it befits his immense stature and splendor.
Oh Allah! Bestow Your Mercy and Blessings upon Muhammad whenever he is remembered, and bestow Your Mercy and Blessings upon Muhammad whenever he is not remembered. May the Peace and Blessing of the Most Merciful be upon each and everyone one. Wa-Alaikum-Salaam WaRahmatullahiWaBarakaatuh.