Dear Editor,
EITI Background
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) is a movement that brings together key global figures from government, extractive industries, and civil society representatives to monitor developments in the vital extractive sector. EITI has attracted membership from most major Countries engaged in oil, gas & mining. The global EITI Standard guides its implementation.
The key difference between EITI and other international organizations is that membership of EITI requires a commitment to a tripartite committee – the Muli-Stakeholder Group (MSG). In Guyana, the MSG comprises equal numbers and equal powers of Government, Industry and Civil Society representatives, chosen by their respective sectors. A further unique feature of EITI is that approval of any decision requires a quorum of the tri-partite MSG, thereby effectively prioritizing compromise/consensus as the dominant technique for managing the body. To this extent GYEITI is unique among Guyanese Agencies and Commissions, but compromise as a requirement would clearly benefit a much wider range of decision-making bodies.
In Guyana the tri-partite MSG consists of four main members and four alternates who are respectively chosen by each of the three sectors. In Guyana, the extractive industries selected by the MSG on which to report include oil & gas, mining, forestry and fisheries.
Responsibilities of the MSG
The main responsibility of the MSG is to supervise, contribute to, approve and publish the GYEITI Annual Report. Related responsibilities include selecting and hiring an international auditing firm to provide technical assistance and solicit full disclosure of information on all the monies paid to the Government in the form of taxes, fees and other official costs claimed by extractive companies along with all the monies claimed to have been received by the Government from the extractive sector. A Contextual section of the Report comments on the non-financial impacts of the extractive sector, including environmental, gender and employment information as well as the required level of community benefits derived and paid from the extractive industries. Since its inception in 2017 GYEITI has produced six Annual Reports. The latest Report which covers the year 2022 has recently been published and can be found on the GYEITI website. Other responsibilities include participation in relevant GYEITI Workplan activities and MSG outreaches and to encourage debate within the MSG and with the wider society.
Persons familiar with the basics of accounting and experienced in some way with the workings of the extractive sector are suited to the work of the MSG. Likewise persons with an understanding of transparency, accountability, rule of law, and good governance, for example, are also suitable candidates since these are amongst the fundamental mandates and principles of the EITI.
Potential candidates must be available to attend a monthly MSG meeting (currently virtual) on the third Wednesday of each month (10.00 am – 12.00 noon) with more frequent meetings as the Report is finalized. Candidates must also be comfortable reading and commenting on drafts of Reports. Applicants must be willing to accept the consensus-building approach outlined below. Membership of the MSG does not currently carry an honorarium but covers costs of travel or internet access to meetings
Encouraging Consensus & Compromise in Tri-partite Decision-Making
From the perspective of the MSG-Civic component, the requirement to search for compromise is a technique which merits much wider application, generally, in decision-making. Too many agencies are skewed in their membership to ensure the Government of the day ultimately controls how they function. This comment covers standard practice for decades in Guyana. The willingness of the State in 2017, and currently, to accept the restraint EITI imposes on their powers as an EITI implementing country, is a commendable move away from total domination. Learning the techniques of principled compromise is vital if the deadening polarization that characterizes Guyanese political culture is to be overcome.
Role of Policy Forum Guyana in Managing the Process for MSG-CIVIC Applications
Policy Forum Guyana (PFG) was requested in 2017 by the then government to devise a selection process to select MSG-Civic membership and has performed this function subsequently. While advertisements of the application process were posted in the national press on previous occasions they did not generate as wide a response as anticipated. Renovation of MSG-Civic membership for the next three-year term is now being initiated. There is no requirement or limit on how many terms a person may serve. However, bringing in new members is both beneficial and recommended.
Information Required to be Submitted by Applicants:
- Brief Bio/Summarized Educational Background
- Any personal, civic society or professional experiences pertinent to the work of the MSG
- Letters of Endorsement from at least two recognized Civil Society Organisations, NGOs or Community-Based Organisations (CBOs).
- Statement confirming & committing to availability to attend a quota of MSG Statutory Meetings
- Members must be prepared to contribute to and read the draft GYEITI Annual Reports.
- Participate in occasional joint MSG outreach activities and public engagements.
- Contribute to public debate on matters concerning extractive industries’ transparency, accountability, good governance and EITI compliance.
Approval Process for MSG-Civic Members:
An independent Selection Committee, comprising three persons of good standing in the community and with no links to PFG, is established to select those applicants best suited to the work of the GYEITI/MSG. The Committee informs the PFG of its decisions and this information is passed on to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of National Resources for the Minister to formally issue Letters of Appointment.
Policy Forum Guyana (PFG) is publicizing this information in letters to the press and social media in the hope this may stimulate the interest of a broad range of people in civil society to apply to become a member of the MSG. This approach represents a variation of the previous recruitment strategy.
Applications should be submitted by e-mail to the PFG or by post by the deadline of February 3rd 2025. E-mail: – Postal address: Policy Forum Guyana, 56B Hadfield Street & Austin Place, Georgetown Guyana.
For media inquiries or further information, please contact us:
Tels: 614-8566 / 707-3511
Yours truly,
Policy Forum Guyana