Guyana Embassy in KUWAIT was established on January 18, 2011, now its 14 th. Anniversary, with 7 PHOTOGRAPHIC MEMORIES during our 2016-2020 Tenure; and 17 KEY Achievements, DELIVERABLES and Outcomes.
I have known the late High Commissioner/Ambassador to Trinidad & Tobago, Attorney at Law, Bishwaishar “Cammie” Ramsaroop-Maraj, Esq, since the 1960s. He also worked briefly as a schoolteacher and qualified as a BARRISTER-AT-LAW. He served on several boards and commissions from 1964 and was appointed as Minister of Housing and Reconstruction at the age of 30 years in 1969 and, later, as Minister of Trade and a Vice-President from 1980 to 1984 in the PNC administration. Mr. Ramsaroop was elected CHAIRMAN of the PNC at the 16th Biennial Delegates’ Congress in 2009.
First ROW STANDING, 10th person in WHITE SHIRT, In the above PHOTO, to MY RIGHT is the LATE High Commissioner/Ambassador to TRINIDAD & TOBAGO, Attorney at Law, BISHWAISHAR “CAMMIE” RAMSAROOP-MARAJ, Esq. WE fondly remember our esteemed Brother DIPLOMAT , who left us on August 16, 2021at the age of 81. His Excellency CAMMIE’s life was a Testament to Dedication, Service, and Achievements.
With ORATORICAL SKILLS, CHARISMATIC, SERVANT LEADERSHIP Style, a Seasoned Attorney, Minister, PNC Party Chairman, HC/Ambassador, Husband, Father, Grandfather, CAMMIE forged connections and fostered understanding among Clients, Parties, and Nations. His WISDOM, WIT, and KINDNESS inspired countless individuals, INCLUDING MYSELF, leaving a lasting impact in GUYANA and the World. We HONOR his LEGACY and cherish the MEMORIES of his REMARKABLE LIFE. Rest in Peace. Rise in Glory. Serve with Angels in Heaven.
Photo: Ambassador Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally, CREDENTIALS PRESENTATION to His Highness the AMIR of KUWAIT at Bayan Palace, with a most impressive arrival and departure with Pomp and Ceremony.
HUGE KAIETEUR FALLS PHOTO at LOBBY ENTRANCE for ” SHOW, TELL & KNOW” Guyana. KAIETEUR FALLS Photo was CONCEPTUALIZED by Dr. Maryann Beebe Ally, who collaborated with AL HAFIZ GROUP for its Production, Reviews, and Installation.
I am Reliably Informed, that, this is A FIRST in GUYANA’s HISTORY from 1966 at its Embassies around the WORLD.
With Dr. Maryann, and Staff, WE were an UNSTOPPABLE TEAM, for “SHOW, TELL and KNOW” Guyana, with MANY thinking out of the box activities, promotional projects.
LOBBY with RUNNING WORDS at TOP RIGHT, which had the Names of 108 Ambassadors, Many Ruling Families, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Officials, and Kuwaitis Entrepreneurs.
Ambassador and Wife, waiting at Embassy’s ENTRANCE, to WELCOME a VISITOR with RED-CARPET Reception
Show, Tell & Know” Program with PHOTOS and at the RIGHT TOP, there were 193 NATIONS FLAGS, which were HUGE HITS when 108 Ambassadors visited the Embassy with a RED-CARPET Welcome, their NAMES in RUNNING LIGHTS like Broadway, New York and 2 National Anthems.
17 KEY Achievements, DELIVERABLES and Outcomes.
7 KEYS: VISION, Team, Plan, Resources, Execution. Evaluation and LEADERSHIP.
1. DEBT RELIEF: Kuwait. March 2019: Wrote OFF 67 % of DEBT for USD $50.7 Million. The Remaining 33 % for USD $24.9 Million to be repaid in a combination of cash payments and debt swaps. WE actively tried for 100% WRITE OFF but had to be mindful of precedents. 67 Nations of the 112 in Kuwait, OWE Kuwait. Herculean Efforts with Senior Minister of Finance Hon. Winston Jordan and MoF HEAD of Debt Management.
2. Kuwait Fund for Arabic Economic Development, Feasibility Study Road Project, Belfield to Rosignol, ECD : GRANT KWD 500,000 = USD $1,635.000:
3. Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Jeddah, SAUDI ARABIA. Wide Range of Projects: 2018 to 2020 Financing & Technical Assistances: CREDITS & GRANTS USD $ 900: Million. Herculean Efforts with Senior Minister of Finance Hon. Winston Jordan, Minister of Public Infrastructure Hon. David Patterson, and Teams in Guyana and IsDB. Ambassador’s weekly contacts with IsDB Decision Makers.
4. Policies, Procedures & Systems Manual: Started, Completed, and with Continuing Updates.
5. Embassy’s 1st Floor, as “ SHOW, TELL & KNOW” on Guyana, with Pictures, HUGE Kaieteur Falls MURAL on Entire Wall; Past & Current Presidents of Guyana Pictures, Prime Minister, Vice Presidents & Ministers’ Pictures; International Flags Set; TV Screen for Nations’ Anthems; RED CARPET Welcome; Electronic WELCOME Sign; AMY’s Coffee Samples. Embassy’s 2nd. Floor, with Tributes to Kuwait RULING FAMILIES and MARTYRS
6. SHOW, TELL & KNOW Fliers. Discover Guyana. 240 Fliers are printed monthly for wide distributions.
7. Established the Guyana Embassy in Kuwait, WEBSITE, for Global Show, Tell & Know, with daily maintenance.
8. RECYCLING Initiative Program: 1,000 Postcards Printed. Participation from Businesses & Neighbors near Embassy; 3 Embassies, AL Sabah Ruling Families. OTHERS Have started in Kuwait…Movement to RECYCLE is GROWING DAILY:
9. STAFF: Coaching, Training, and Mentoring for Top Performing EAGLES TEAM. Recruiting, Training and Retaining remains a CONTINUING CHALLENGE.
10. Books DONATION on GUYANA to Kuwait National Library, to, Her Excellency Sheikha Rasha Nayef Al-Jaber AL SABAH, Deputy Director General.
11. 2020 Kuwait Aviation Show, with a GUYANA Booth. 4 days 8 AM to 5 PM Each day = 9 HOURS EACH DAY for 4 days. 28 COUNTRIES with BOOTHS (113 Embassies in Kuwait) = 25 % = 28 were INVITED. ALL 28 EAGERLY ACCEPTED to PARTICIPATE with Outstanding Presentations.
12. HUMANITARIAN PROJECT during COVID 19 LOCKDOWN : Departure Day June 2, 2020, Cameroonians in Kuwait Amnesty Deportees to Cameroon. KUWAIT AIRWAYS Flight 1517 with 155 LADIES, 8 MEN and 2 BABIES = TOTAL 165 Cameroonians
13. GUINNESS WORLD RECORD: 41,543 DIFFERENT STICKERS on PLATE 3 CAR, on 25 January 2020 for GUYANA and KUWAIT for 50/25/9 >>> 50th Anniversary of Republic; 25 years of Diplomatic Relations between GUYANA and KUWAIT; and 9th. Anniversary of Embassy in Kuwait. CAR will Represent GUYANA & KUWAIT at KUWAIT Historical Vintage & Classic Cars Museum, Shuwaikh Industrial. Attendees were Al Sabahs Ruling Families, Kuwait MoFA, Ministers, Governors, Ambassadors and Spouses. Kuwait AMIRI DIWAN, supporting Guyana’s 3 Anniversaries at their Kuwait Motor Town, for BROTHERLY & SISTERLY Relations with Guyana.
14. 28 December 2019: GUYANA at Kuwait TREE Plantation at AL ABDALIYA RESERVE: GUYANA, UNITED NATIONS and YEMEN panted trees. Over 300 Volunteers planted 5,000 Tree Saplings. Part of UN-Habitat Human Settlements Program.
15. 27 December 2019: GUYANA, the FIRST Embassy AMBASSADOR for KTV 2 INTERVIEW, “HEART OF KUWAIT” at His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmed HERITAGE VILLAGE Winter Opening: 90 minutes from Kuwait City at Saudi Arabia’s Border area
16. MEDIA from March 14, 2017, through JULY 2020 at 1,336 COVERAGES. 113 Embassies are in Kuwait…Guyana enjoyed the HIGHEST Media Coverages. Guyana with the reputation of “SINGLE TAKE” Ambassador, meaning, Guyana Ambassador did not need 2nd or 3rd. attempts for Interviews. A KEY reason GUYANA was extremely popular with TV, Newspapers and Radio, in Kuwait.
17. May 31, 2019. Head of Delegation. 14th Islamic Summit and 50 th. Anniversary of OIC, at Mecca, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Hosted By The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud.
With HM KING of SAUDI ARABIA Islamic Development Bank
Onward & Upward towards, One People, One Nation, One Destiny.
Similarities 1. Multi-ethnic societies: Both countries have diverse populations with different ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds. 2. Post-colonial legacy: Both...