Dear Editor
Dawn Cush has objections to the west wing being demolished and rebuilt despite written reports of the building being a hazard to the more than 350 children who occupy it daily.
Her objections seem to be for two reasons 1. Queen’s College just celebrated its 180th anniversary and should be allowed to come down from that high before there are disruptions and 2. That the students will be disrupted.
Neither of those present even a slightly good or sensible reason for children to be placed in harm’s way. In any construction that will last longer than two to three months, there will be disruptions.
Were the building or any part of it to collapse, Cush, known to be loud, would most likely be the first on the scene weeping and asking why it wasn’t fixed. This is simply a case of damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
The parent body at a well-attended meeting understood the problem and made recommendations for the various solutions and indeed, in some cases, were adamant that the children should not be allowed at all to go back into the building for any reason.
Fix the building. There is no choice.
Andrea Premnauth.
Editor’s note: Ms. Cush’s expressed no objection to the renovation of the building but what she considers the unethical and unprincipled actions to getting it done.