TWO strong individuals can CO-LEAD a Government, BUT it is rare and often challenging. Here are some examples:
SUCCESSFUL Co-Leadership Examples
1. ISRAEL’S Netanyahu and Peres (2009-2013): Benjamin Netanyahu and Shimon Peres shared power, with Netanyahu as Prime Minister and Peres as President. They worked together effectively, despite their differences.
2. NEW ZEALAND’S Clark and Cullen (1999-2008): Helen Clark and Michael Cullen formed a strong leadership team, with Clark as Prime Minister and Cullen as Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister. They implemented significant economic and social reforms.
CHALLENGING Co-Leadership Examples
1. PAKISTAN’S Sharif and Musharraf (2000-2002): Nawaz Sharif and Pervez Musharraf had a tumultuous co-leadership, with Musharraf eventually seizing power and Sharif being exiled.
2. ITALY’S Renzi and Gentiloni (2014-2018): Matteo Renzi and Paolo Gentiloni had a complicated relationship, with Gentiloni eventually succeeding Renzi as Prime Minister.
1. SHARED VISION and GOALS: Both leaders must have a collective understanding of the government’s objectives.
2. CLEAR ROLES and RESPONSIBILITIES: Defined roles can help prevent conflicts and ensure effective decision-making.
3. STRONG COMMUNICATION and TRUST: Regular communication and mutual trust are essential for resolving conflicts and making joint decisions.
4. COMPLEMENTARY SKILLS and STRENGTHS: Co-leaders can benefit from each other’s strengths and weaknesses, creating a more effective leadership team.
YES, YES, YES, It is possible for TWO strong INDIVIDUALS to CO-LEAD a GOVERNMENT,BUT it requires CAREFUL PLANNING with a Proper Statutory VALID Agreement, EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION, and a SHARED VISION.

1. POWER STRUGGLES: Two strong leaders may have different opinions on key issues, leading to power struggles and potential conflicts.
2. DECISION-MAKING DIFFICULTIES: Co-leaders may have different decision-making styles, which can lead to delays or inefficiencies.
3. COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWNS: Without clear communication channels, co-leaders may not be aware of each other’s actions or decisions.
1. SHARED WORKLOAD: Co-leaders can divide responsibilities, reducing the workload and stress associated with leading a government.
2. DIVERSE PERSPECTIVES : Two leaders with divergent backgrounds and experiences can bring unique perspectives to the decision-making process.
3. INCREASED ACCOUNTABILITY: Co-leaders can provide checks and balances on each other’s actions, promoting accountability and transparency.
1. DIARCHY: A system where two leaders share equal power and responsibility, often seen in monarchies or traditional societies.
2. CO-PRESIDENCY: A system where two leaders share the presidency, often with one leader serving as the ceremonial head of state and the other as the head of government.
3. JOINT PREMIERSHIP: A system where two leaders share the office of prime minister, often with one leader serving as the senior prime minister and the other as the junior prime minister.
1. ANCIENT ROME’S CONSULS: In ancient Rome, two consuls were elected to serve as co-heads of state, sharing power and responsibility.
2. SWITZERLAND’S FEDERAL COUNCIL: Switzerland’s Federal Council is a seven-member executive council that serves as the country’s head of government, with each member serving as president for a one-year term.
3. SINGAPORE’S LEE KUAN YEW and GOH CHOK TONG: Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Chok Tong served as CO-LEADERS of Singapore from 1990 to 2004, with LEE serving as Senior Minister and GOH serving as Prime Minister.
- PRE-INDEPENDENCE ERA : In the 1964 elections, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) won the most votes, but the British government intervened, changing the constitution to allow the governor to dismiss the PPP government. This led to a coalition government formed by the People’s National Congress (PNC) and the United Force (UF).
POST-INDEPENDENCE ERA: After Guyana gained independence in 1966, the PNC dominated politics for nearly three decades.
IN 2011, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) was formed, comprising several parties, including the PNC.
IN 2015 to 2020 : APNU and AFC contested and won the 2015 elections, and David Granger became PRESIDENT, and AFC Moses Nagamootoo, as Prime Minister. APNU & AFC signed a CUMMINGSBURG ACCORD, principally for Members of Parliament and Ministers based on a FORMULA. Operational DISAGREEMENTS were experienced, on Management Styles, TIMELY Decision Making and Transparency.
The Cummingsburg Accord DID NOT INCLUDE ALLOCATIONS to AFC for over 150 Commissions & Boards; Ambassadors; Georgetown Town Council, et al, with the ensuing 3D’s, DISPUTES, DISTRUST and DISCORDS. GUYANA with 18 EMBASSIES, 5 Consulates and 8 other Diplomatic Representations in about 25 countries around the world.
In the 2020 ELECTIONS: the PPP/Civic (PPP/C) won the most seats, and Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali became President. The APNU/AFC coalition, which had previously formed the government, is now the main opposition.
The 2020 GECOM CASE is now in its FIFTH YEAR with NO meaningful COURT CASE Development towards a Decision. The General belief is that the Decision will most likely reach the Caribbean Court of Justice.
The results of Guyana’s COALITION GOVERNMENTS have been MIXED. While they have HELPED to promote STABILITY and REPRESENTATION, they have also been CRITICIZED for perpetuating ETHNIC divisions and CORRUPTION.
The Cummingsburg Accord is a POLITICAL AGREEMENT signed on February 14, 2015, between the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance for Change (AFC). The accord aimed at establishing a COALITION GOVERNMENT between the TWO PARTIES.
1. COALITION GOVERNMENT: The accord established a coalition government between APNU and AFC, with the President and Prime Minister being from different parties.
2. POWER-SHARING : The agreement outlined a power-sharing arrangement between the two parties, including the allocation of ministerial portfolios.
3. DECISION-MAKING: The accord established a decision-making process that required consultation and consensus between the two parties.
4. From HIGH BACK CHANNELS: AFC Ministers with their LOWER NUMBERICAL STRENGTH were OUTVOTED on 3 critical items on SUGAR, OIL and SOLAR ENERGY Projects. At Times CABINET DECISIONS to PROCEED, were followed by HALT and WAIT WRITTEN instructions.
5. The USD $18 Million BONUS from EXXON was arranged by an APNU Senior Minister, and Guyana’s Attorney Sir Shridath Ramphal, for Guyana’s LEGAL EXPENSES at the ICJ. THE USD $18 Million was TRANSFERRED BY EXXON to BANK OF GUYANA/ USA BANK ACCOUNT, the SAME ACCOUNT being used NOW for the Natural Resource Fund (NRF) for Royalties from Exxon. The GOVERNOR of the BANK Of GUYANA and STAFF did the LOGISTICS for this TRANSFER, with documentations, RECENTLY, to the public and in media.
6. In the media the AFC Natural Resources MINISTER was/is on the receiving end with regular abuse and negative comments, especially in the SOCIAL MEDIA.
7. SADLY, The Bank of Guyana Governor, OR the Late Sir Shridath Ramphal, DID NOT GIVE their PUBLIC media EXPLANATIONS on THE TRUTH with the LOGISTICS for this USD $18 Million from EXXON. THIS HUGE LAPSE in TRANSPARENCY continues to be a MYSTERY.
8. The Coalition Government PRACTISED good GOVERNANCE in a PRACTISING DEMOCRACY with the INCLUSION of the OPPOSITION, and CIVIL Society in its Deliberations and Decisions, including Annual Budgets and Feasibilities’ Studies.
9. TERM LIMITS: The agreement included a provision for term limits, with the President and Prime Minister serving a maximum of two terms.
10. OVERALL, the GENERAL PERCEPTION, is that the CUMMINGSBURG ACCORD, could have been better
1. FIRST COALITION GOVERNMENT: The Cummingsburg Accord marked the first coalition government in Guyana’s history.
2. POWER-SHARING: The agreement demonstrated a commitment to power-sharing and inclusive governance.
3. STABILITY: The accord helped to bring stability to Guyana’s politics, following a period of political uncertainty.
1. IMPLEMENTATION: The implementation of the accord’s provisions has been criticized for being slow and incomplete.
2. POWER STRUGGLES: There have been reports of power struggles between the two parties, which have affected the effectiveness of the coalition government.
3. ACCOUNTABILITY: Critics have argued that the accord’s provisions for accountability and transparency have not been fully implemented.
Overall, the Cummingsburg Accord represents a CRUCIAL STEP towards INCLUSIVE GOVERNANCE and POWER-SHARING in Guyana. However, its IMPLEMENTATION has faced CHALLENGES, and its EFFECTIVENESS continues to be DEBATED.
1. This article emphasizes the importance of inclusive governance, recognizing the diversity of Guyana’s population.
2. It states that “the State shall promote national unity and encourage the participation of all citizens in the governance of the country.”
1. This article provides for the formation of coalition governments.
2. It states that “the President shall appoint as Prime Minister a member of the National Assembly who is the leader of the party or coalition of parties that has the majority of seats in the National Assembly.”
1. This article emphasizes the importance of shared governance and collective decision-making.
2. It states that “the Cabinet shall be collectively responsible to the National Assembly for the policies and actions of the Government.”
1. This article requires the President and the Cabinet to consult with and involve various stakeholders in the decision-making process.
2. It states that “the President and the Cabinet shall consult with and involve the representatives of the various sectors of the society in the decision-making process.”
These provisions demonstrate Guyana’s commitment to shared governance, inclusive decision-making, and collective responsibility. However, the effectiveness of these provisions in practice has been subject to DEBATE and CRITICISM.
Our Collective Thanks, Appreciation and HIGH RECOGNITION for BOTH FOUNDING FATHERS, for Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. His Excellency Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham, Esq, OE, and His Excellency Dr. Cheddi Berret Jagan. REST with Angels. PEACE in Heaven. RISE in Eternal Glory.
2nd. VP BJ is the SUBSTANTIVE Minister of FINANCE with USD $7 BILLION OIL Revenues???.

A High LEGAL LUMINARY :Back Channel, said : “ BJ is the SUBSTANTIVE MINISTER OF FINANCE as GAZETTED. Ashni works under BJ as Minster “with responsibility”. All NEW currency notes, BY LAW, now have to carry BJ’s signature.
Ashni is a JUNIOR MINISTER like Indar and Susan Rodrigues and SHOULD NOT BE IN CABINET. “
“ Ashni is called “Senior,” but his official and gazetted designation is Minister WITHIN the MINISTRY with RESPONSIBILITY for…”
“ Georgetown, Ministry of Finance, January 11, 2023: SENIOR FINANCE Minister Dr. Ashni Singh today held further consultations with various representatives of the Private Sector as Government prepares to present Budget 2023 in Parliament on Monday, January 16, 2023.”
December 13, 2024: Village Voice: Last week, Senior Minister in the Office of the President with Responsibility for Finance and the Public Service, Dr. Ashni Singh attended the International Monetary Fund (IMF)’s 2024 High Level Caribbean Forum on Managing the Green Transition where Guyana’s innovative approach to managing its forests was alluded to.
Guyana continues to showcase Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) – Village Voice News
Corruption SOLUTION: 2025 NEW SARA, SOCU & GRA to request/secure ALL suspected CORRUPT PERSONS, BANKS, and TAXES’ Records to PROVE THEIR WEALTH from 2015 to currently with AUDITS.
Onward & Upward towards, One People, One Nation, One Destiny.