Dear Editor,
Permit me the opportunity in extending a successful, warmth, blessed, and productive 2025 to you, support staff at Village Voice News and by extension your readers. I pray Almighty God continuous blessings on their lives!
As we prepare to bid farewell to 2024 and welcome 2025, there are several unanswered questions and unfinished business by the PPP/C regime. One such project remains a mystery, that is, ‘the twelve Storey Office Complex’; which is yet to get off the ground through the Ministry of Public Works. I wish to remind Guyanese that the sum of $7.6B approved by the National Assembly from 2022-2024, and unaccounted for.
Editor, I have kept this project on the front burner, since the National Assembly have appropriated funds. It is sad to say that to date there is no physical activity on the designated project site, for the exception of stocked piling of aggregates for ongoing Eccles-Ogle Road construction. I visited the area on two occasions since my last letter published in September 2024 and provided pictorial evidence.
As an advocate for TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY, I will continue to call on Edghill and his colleagues to be accountable to TAXPAYERS. For 2024, I have at least on five occasions, written letters and had approximately ten (10) questions publicly put to Bishop Edghill, both in the National Assembly and print media, for him to respond. Therefore, I will once again call on Bishop Juan Edghill, Minister of Public Works to come clean and account for the $7.6B.
In May 2024, Minister Edghill told the nation, ‘All preliminary works completed for the construction of government complex/towers,’ (Newsroom, May 9, 2024). The very article also referenced and quoted Minister Edghill reporting on several aspects of the project. Additionally, the article stated, ‘he did not indicate when on-site civil works will commence but maintained that the complex is set for completion within 913 days from the start of the commencement order. The was reportedly issued at the beginning of this year.’
I have given Minister Edghill adequate time to thoroughly equipped himself and report to the people of Guyana on this long-anticipated project, yet to get started. Since my last publicity on this matter of public interest; in September 2024, editor, from the ten questioned posed, I enquired, whether the funds, ‘$7.6B have been diverted to construct the lagging Sheraton Four Points Hotel,” being constructed along the Mandela/Eccles Road Link, some mere meters North of a partial steel structure, for ‘sheriff international mall.’
Oh, Bishop Edghill came out firing, questioning the integrity of the Opposition. Bishop Edghill is quite knowledgeable of my work and abilities, and that Ferguson does her homework well, with diligence and professionalism. He dealt with me for years, as a young Public Servant, who worked at GPOC, while he was Chairman of the Board of Directors. The TRUTH shall reveal itself! Time will tell.
It is disgusting to hear Mr. Bharrat Jagdeo every Thursday in the week reporting on everything under the sun, for the exception of this mysterious project for the construction of the twelve-storey office complex. What is even troubling is that this project falls under the eyes of Minister Edghill, and while he (through his Facebook platform) highlights roads fixed here and there, contracts issued to Tom and Jones, bridges built here and there, etc.
I am wondering whether its deliberate NOT to have regular updates on the progress made of this mysterious twelve-storey office complex? I know a press statement from his office will follow thereafter. What is evident, huge buildings coming after are in construction phase. Editor, if Bishop Edghill is having difficulties in reporting on the intricacies involving this mysterious project, then I would recommend that he allow the technical officers to update the press, as it relates to the fabrication of steels and other materials being sourced externally, why the foundation and drilling of piles have not commenced.
Mr. Valdim Persaud, Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Public Works should come under the microscope, since he is the accounting officer, responsible for approval of payments, and update the media on the number of monies paid on December 27, 2024, for completed works.
Mr. Jagdeo at his last Press Conference on Friday, December 27, 2024; stated that Ministers will host their end of year press conferences. I await and look forward to hearing from Minister Bishop Juan Edghill as he updates on the mysterious twelve-Storey office complex and account for the $7.6B, since there are no activities on the project site. Additionally, my ten pertinent questions to Minister Edghill, published and carried by your publication, dated September 10, 2024, remains relevant and he should address them at his end of year press conference.
Minister Edghill, now that you are in the hot seat, all eyes are on you, as it relates to the people’s money. You must give an account sir! As a religious leader, I doubt you will want your name recorded in the annals of Guyana, as the “unaccounted and non-transparent Minister”, other than the ‘Lambs Book of Life’. I urge you, ‘do not let your good be spoken of as evil, for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, and peace, and joy of the Holy Ghost,’ Romans 14:16-17.
Yours Truly,
Annette Ferguson, MP