Dear Editor,
CONDOLENCES to the entire Carter Family, Staff, Global Colleagues and Friends on the passing of His Excellency JAMES EARL CARTER, Jr, 39th. President of the USA.
His Excellency President Carter’s TIRELESS EFFORTS to promote PEACE, HUMAN RIGHTS, and SOCIAL JUSTICE have left an indelible mark on our World. His GLOBAL LEGACY will continue to inspire the Vision, Work and Commitment to making a positive difference.
While at Georgia Tech, Carter took part in the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps. In 1943, he received an appointment to the Naval Academy from U.S. Representative Stephen Pace, and Carter graduated with a Bachelor of Science in 1946.
His Excellency President James Earl “Jimmy” Carter graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1946 with distinction, after which he was assigned to USS Wyoming (E-AG 17) as an ENSIGN. His Excellency Carter is the ONLY USA President to Graduate from the U. S. Naval Academy.
We MET at the 1968 Lions International Convention, in DALLAS, TEXAS, whilst LIONS GOVERNOR JIMMY CARTER, was serving as the District 18C, GEORGIA, and his THEME for 1968/1969 YEAR was “SEARCH FOR PEACE.” He was a member of the Lions Club of PLAINS, Georgia, USA.
His FATHER was a CHARTER MEMBER of the Plains Lions Club. Jimmy Carter resigned from the Navy in 1953, studied PHYSICS and became a LIONS member the first week at home and later became Tail Twister, Bulletin Editor, and LION PRESIDENT during 1957-58.
Lion Shamir Ally attended the 1968 Lions International Convention, Dallas, TEXAS, as a Member of the Central Demerara Lions Club, GUYANA.
His Excellency President Carter’s Kindness, Compassion, and Dedication to making the WORLD a better place have inspired me. His legacy will continue to be a source of Hope, Inspiration and Promise, for many.
The Lions Clubs International Convention is an annual gathering where members from around the world celebrate the organization’s PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE. It is also a chance for members to catch up with friends, learn about what is happening in the organization, and make decisions about the future to improve their communities.
Lions Clubs International is the WORLD’s LARGEST SERVICE CLUB ORGANISATION, with over 45,000 clubs and 1.35 million members in more than 206 countries. Its Motto is “WE SERVE.”
Among the WORLD’S most successful SIGHT INITIATIVES, the various LIONS-CARTER CENTER “Sight First” PROGRAMMES significantly impacted the LIVES OF MILLIONS. From 1994-2015, the partnership led to the distribution of more than 187 million treatments for RIVER BLINDNESS and over 127 million treatments for TRACHOMA. More than 538,000 sight-saving TRICHIASIS SURGERIES were performed, and nearly 3-1/2 million LATRINES were built.
Please accept our heartfelt sympathies during this challenging time.
Sincerely in Service, WE SERVE with Honor not for Honor.
Yours truly,
Lion Dr. Shamir Andrew Ally
Central Demerara Lions, District 60A, Guyana.
1984/85 Lions Past District Governor District 20-K2 Long Island, NEW YORK.