Dear Editor,
The United Workers Party (UWP) wishes to strongly condemn disgraceful intimidatory tactics employed by the People’s Progressive Party, after a certain government minister and party affiliates allegedly placed calls to the Caribbean Inn Inc., Mon Repos ECD, where the UWP was launched last Wednesday, to ascertain the proprietor’s affiliation to the party.
The UWP understands that in less than 48 hours after the UWP had announced its press conference at the venue, a certain government minister and other PPP officials called the establishment to question the owner’s connection to the UWP, as to whether they sponsored anything or provided support of any kind.
The UWP wishes to clarify for the PPP, that at no time was any service rendered to the party free of cost, all services provided were paid for and receipts are available to prove same. At no time did the party request any for free service, in fact, the Caribbean Inn Inc. was one of three locations the party explored to host its event.
This vile and vindictive posture is no stretch from witch-hunting politics. There is no reason why party affiliates and a minister holding a government post should contact a business to ascertain its political affiliation. What then would have been the outcome if the business did support the party?
This behavior must be strongly rejected. The democratic rights of Guyanese afford them the power to choose freely. This means businesspeople too are allowed to provide services to the public, to all Guyanese without fear of political backlash and sabotage.
Members of the business community should not have to look over their shoulders because they are affiliated to a particular party or may have rendered service to one. The business community should be free from political dos and don’ts for fear of retributive action targeting their businesses and livelihood.
Is the PPP and government running scared already after one press conference because there actions are saying just that.
Yours truly,
Lorenzo Joseph
UWP Executive Member