Dear Editor,
It is exceedingly laughable and mildly scornful that a clown like Freddie Kissoon can so flippantly, maliciously and falsely claim that US Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries is involved in Guyana’s little trivial politics and wants Aubrey Norton to concede the position of opposition coalition presidential candidate to Nigel Hughes.
Leader Jeffries and the other members of the US Congress are engaged in critical issues regarding governance in the United States. They did not meet and are unlikely to be disposed to meet with Guyanese political actors to discuss Guyana’s politics.
This is the extent to which Freddie Kissoon fancies his bogus intellectualism, but he is nothing but a loud, obnoxious joke pretending to have knowledge even with his penchant for lies while writing articles for the PPP based of the fumes and gasses from the feces Kwame poured in his mouth.
The theory of feces in, feces out has been conclusively proven with his latest diatribe! That pungent stench you smell passing through the Le Repentir Cemetery, is nothing but Freddie standing on a tomb bloviating.
The banana republic politicians in the PPP are obsessed with Leader Jeffries because he is a powerful African American who is my brother. Hence, they automatically made him their enemy, by default. These racists think that they can access powerful Black people and when they don’t those individuals become their enemies. But they’re on Mars and out of their league by lightyears, when it comes to the Democratic Leader.
By now everyone knows that the People in the PPP lie and steal as often as they breath air. Freddie’s comments about Leader Jeffries are a lie, just like everything else he makes up for his filthy PPP sucre. The Leader hasn’t met or engaged politician from Guyana. I’m sure that he doesn’t have time for that.
Yours truly,
Rickford Burke
Caribbean Guyana Institute for Democracy (CGID)