Dear Editor,
With just three (3) days left for Christmas and the planned distribution of the much anticipated $100, 000 government cash grant in Bartica Region # 7, the United Workers Party (UWP) is urging local leaders including the Bartica municipality namely the mayor’s office, the regional chairman’s office and the office of the prime minister’s representative in Bartica and other stakeholders to partner with or seek the assistance of the business community in Bartica to assist with the changing of cheques for recipients.
With only two (2) commercial banks in Bartica, Guyana Bank for Trade and lndustry (GBTI) and Citizens Bank and thousands of residents receiving the grant, it is anyone’s guess the confusion and frustration looming when these persons descend on the banks seeking to have their cheques changed. Many may soon realize with much disappointment that they may not be able to access their monies until after the holidays because of the limited facilities.
At this time, the United Workers Party is urging that measures be put in place to aid citizens in accessing their monies earliest.
The Party also urges that priority be given to pensioners and individuals with their families during this cash grant distribution.
Yours truly,
Lorenzo Joseph
Executive Member