In a press statement made by the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) last Tuesday, issue was taken with Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo’s threat that he will not involve the Opposition in key decision-making until they behave differently. He also referred to the Opposition as obstructionists. Sane persons would expect Aubrey Norton, in his capacity as constitutional Opposition Leader- and Leader the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR)-the largest party in the Opposition- would see the statement made by the vice president for what it is – an insult to the Office of the Opposition, him in person, and undermining the Constitution of Guyana.
In light of such unacceptable and aggressive statements GTUC not only condemned the PPP but also cited the silence of the Opposition Leader as equally dangerous and inept. Silence emboldens those who believe they can violate the Constitution with impunity. Norton, as Opposition Leader, is duty bound to let Vice President Jagdeo and this nation know that such moves will be met by the full resistance of the Opposition; that society will be mobilised. He must not only talk the fight, he must carry the fight to transgressors of the Constitution which must be held sacred.
The people of this nation, including People’s Progressive Party (PPP) supporters and civic society should be concerned. The Opposition Leader, who appears to be asleep at the wheel, has failed to respond to this threat which was first made two Thursdays ago. Neither Norton nor any of his members have to date done this. They, driven by a petty agenda, have instead chosen to attack yours truly and the trade union movement. The truth is often a bitter pill to swallow, but it is good for democracy, good governance and accountability.
The elected Opposition was merely urged not to cede ground to the PPP and the Opposition Leader was called on to stand up, assert himself, and deliver leadership to the society. A call was similarly made to President Irfaan Ali to reach out to the Opposition and other stakeholders, consistent with his constitutional responsibilities, and to stop outsourcing the presidency to Jagdeo. Norton’s crew ignored that.
1) Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo does not have the constitutional authority to exclude the Opposition.
2) Article 13 in the Constitution of Guyana mandates “inclusionary democracy” as the nation’s political system.
These statements were made in the context of the present state of economic marginalisation and political mismanagement of society. In the 2024 oil-rich economy, Guyanese are not better off than they were in the pre-oil production era. Norton cannot afford to accept nor ignore the threats of Bharrat Jagdeo who has a history of meanness when it comes to equitable distribution of the nation’s wealth, application of justice, etc.
That the GTUC’s statement resonated with the society to the extent where venomous attacks were unleashed on yours truly by leading members of the PNC is a disappointment not a surprise because it has become a culture that one must be prepared to be the object of abuse for daring to exercise one’s rights to freedom of expression.
It’s equally comforting to make known to the abusers and those who threaten freedom of expression that many called privately to add their concerns and appreciation for the candid statements. They deemed such to be necessary at this point where it appears that the opposition is rapidly losing its bearings under the leadership of Norton, thereby adding to the dismal picture of poor governance.
The public must be reminded that good governance is not solely the responsibility of the Executive but equally the responsibility of the elected Opposition. Whereas the executive, who holds the reins of power has greater and direct responsibilities for the management, distribution of resources, etc; the Opposition has a responsibility to develop worthwhile ideas to present to Parliament, review and hold the government accountable.
It is of concern to a sizable section of society that the Opposition Leader sits comfortably and allows the Government to ignore him and half the society that voted for the Opposition. He has not allowed a strident response to ensure the Government respects him, his party, and those who look to him for leadership. He has not given leadership to the society to force the Government to operate within the confines of the constitution that gives both sides power. The Opposition appears rudderless, visionless, helpless in the face of PPP aggression and the Opposition Leader must fix this image.
He must be mindful of the growing perception that he is exploiting the good will of the Guyanese people and is either unwilling or incapable of organising strategic manoeuvres that will bring the Government to the table. He has to be mindful the Government is making him look foolish and incompetent even as he finds himself in the position of the emperor with his new clothes. He will do well to be reminded that the inevitable exposure of nakedness creates more embarrassment.
Members of the Opposition who manifest an intolerance for criticism of the Opposition Leader do not take strident positions in the face of PPP excesses. It is time they recognise their role in relation to the Government and civil society. It is time the Party Chairman seeks to exemplify himself in the role he plays for he does himself and supporters an injustice as he too gives the PPP a pass.
The Leader of the Opposition is the only holder of constitutional office in the elected Opposition that gets a salary with benefits. He is a paid servant of the people and is accountable to the people. The holder of the office must act accordingly and not allow himself to be reduced to the ‘PPP 10-day work programme’ where meaningful work is not expected from him. The title of Leader of the Opposition comes with serious responsibilities of national import and is not a hangout job, but rather one with commitment, great responsibility and accountability.
If Aubrey Norton asserts himself, he will have the support of the people. Even supporters of the regime in power benefit from a strong Opposition. Unlike the trade unions that are answerable to their members, the Leader of the Opposition, like the President, is answerable to the society who are paying them. The society has a civic duty to hold elected officials accountable and we must not shirk from it. Yours truly will not shirk from holding any Government or Opposition accountable for creating the environment in which labour functions and is denied.