Dear Editor,
Annette Ferguson in the mass media justifiably excoriated Bharrat Jagdeo on his sham marriage and abuse of his wife Varshnie Singh, who he divorced. It was reported the marriage, done under Hindu rites, was never registered. Mrs. Singh-Jagdeo was put out of the state house and denied the benefits that came with being First Lady.
She wasn’t given a budget like those given to the wives of Presidents Donald Ramotar and David Granger. Mr. Jagdeo was never held accountable for his mistreatment of the First Lady. Leaving out the fact that she was First Lady, she was not treated courteously and respectfully as a woman. Except for Freddie Kissoon, who has now become a defender of Jagdeo and the PPP, the public was silent.
We now learn that Jagdeo has two Mixed children for a mixed-race woman; Mr. Jagdeo introduced the children to Mr. Modi and by extension the nation. Photos were shared on social media. Jagdeo, the Mixed woman, and the two kids visited New York last summer. A photo of the smiling family was shared on social media.
The public deserves an explanation why Mr. Jagdeo abandoned his married wife, Varshnie, and why he opted to have children with at least one Mixed woman. And why has he kept this relationship with a mixed woman and his mixed children a secret until now?
Yours truly,
Tamesh Roopnarine