If there was ever any doubt, Calvin Brutus burdened with 240 criminal charges isn’t politically motivated, then mother hen opening his ginormous mouth has certainly let the cat out of the proverbial bag. That said, this column isn’t in any way, shape or form, arguing the impossible case of the once PPP aligned Brutus, innocence or guilt. Rather, this column will venture to argue that Brutus, like any accused in his position, should be afforded the legal principle of innocent until proven guilty, beyond a reasonable doubt.
Moreover, this column will also venture to argue, Brutus being burdened with multitudinous corruption charges, doesn’t translate to a financial crime mechanism effectively working. Nonetheless, despite the aforementioned, hearing mother hen pontificate at his weekly press conference, one would arrive at the irrefutable conclusion, Brutus has been charged, prosecuted, and convicted, by a jury of his peers.
When the fact is, Brutus facing 240 criminal charges, surpassing the political puppet’s record of 19, shouldn’t be held up by PPP, as an exemplar of a supposedly successful corruption policy. For the reality is, Brutus being charged doesn’t negate the fact that the mechanisms to combat financial crimes aren’t effectively working, as PPP would fallaciously argue. In fact, how could we ever argue the mechanisms are effectively working, when mother hen, never held to account, was caught on recording, nefariously negotiating governmental contracts in his living room?
Moreover, how could we ever argue that the mechanisms are effectively working, when it was the same mechanisms that extrajudicially expunged 19 criminal charges from the political puppet’s case file? Furthermore, how could we ever argue that the mechanisms are effectively working, when Ashni Singh and Winston Brassington, without a trial, had their innumerable criminal charges annulled?
Now it would appear, having orchestrated the charging of Brutus, mother hen of anew celestial confidence, has apotheosized himself a monotheistic Deity. And having apotheosized a monotheistic Deity means, his pronouncements are of such religiosity, that they’re automatically deemed divine gospel. As a result, his pronouncement that the financial crimes mechanisms are effectively working, is of such unquestionable reverence, that it could’ve been sermonized on the Jesus mount.
Likewise, his argument that the DPP on receiving the Brutus SOCU file, wasn’t acting on PPP instructions, are of such heavenly underpinning, that they can be added to the scriptural parables. Thus, it’s for these very reasons, mother hen has evolved into a proud peacock, arguing that the beleaguered Brutus, now burdened with 240 criminal charges, is testament to the financial crimes mechanisms effectively working.
And with Brutus facing innumerable charges, mother hen redirected his attention to APNU+AFC, arguing that they weaponised SOCU, against the Opposition PPP, when they were in government. But if mother hen and the PPP as a whole, were so confident of these former Ministers innocence, why didn’t they have them face a jury of their peers?
Then this argument, our Anti-Money laundering Act was evaluated by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF), with them providing their seal of approval, is nothing short of wholesale hogwash. For this we recall, the recent United Nation Commission on Human Rights (UNCHR) investigatory findings, that our institutional framework, investigating and prosecuting corruption, is neither sufficiently strong nor effective, in undertaking same.
Having said that, it’s an established fact that mother hen, like any other mother hen with chicklets, would be exceedingly irrational as he desperately tries to protect his corrupt kleptocrats. As a result, he would want to convince us that his kleptocrats are now off-limits, having successfully burdened Brutus with 240 criminal charges. But convinced we aren’t, for mother hen could talk until the cows come home about Brutus mountainous corruption charges, being testament to the financial crimes mechanisms effectively working. In fact, unless SOCU start investigating and charging mother hen and his PPP kleptocrats, the masses will forever hold them in grave contempt. For this is our resounding argument, if the financial crimes mechanisms were effectively working, then Calvin Brutus wouldn’t be the only person in our oil rich kleptocracy, facing 240 corruption charges.