The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) in a recent statement said it supports the decision of the New Amsterdam Mayor and Town Council’s decision to suspend People’s Progressive Party (PPP) Councillor Carol Trim-Bagot.
Two Mondays ago, September 30, the Council, in a statement said the councillor was suspended for behaving in a manner that undermines the essential collaborative spirit of the Council that is critical for good governance, which is bringing the council into “public disrepute.”
There was a recent ruckus in the Council, involving the councillor, causing the Council to state her actions have consistently disrupted council proceedings, leading to a breakdown in communication and cooperation among Council members.
Mayor Wainwright McIntosh in a statement said, “The decision to suspend Councilors Trim-Bagot is intended to serve as a reminder of the responsibilities that come with public office. Elected officials are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the values of our community and the trust placed in them by the citizens of New Amsterdam,”
The PNCR, which has control of the municipality, has added its voice to “correct recent misinformation circulating concerning the suspension.” The PNCR said it notes certain members of the PPPC are inaccurately suggesting that the decision to suspend Trim-Bagot was a unilateral act taken by McIntosh.
Setting the record straight, the party explained the suspension was a collective decision made by the Town Council and ought not to be attributable to the mayor.
Making known it stands in full support of the actions taken by the Council, the PNCR said the decision was made in accordance with the council’s bylaws and is intended to restore order, maintain the integrity of council proceedings, and allow for those elected to serve to do so with the decorum, grace, dignity, and humility the office requires.
According to the Council in a statement, Trim-Bagot suspension, which was passed by a motion was made in accordance with the Standing Order and rules of the Council, specifically Cap. 28:01 Standing Order 9(h), which articulates the framework for maintaining decorum and respect within our governing body.
Councillors are elected to represent the interests of their constituents, and as such, it is imperative that they conduct their duties professionally, respectfully and collaboratively, the PNCR intones. “The constant disrespectful and disruptive behaviour exhibited by Councillor Trim-Bagot has hindered the council’s ability to function effectively.”
The PNCR sees the suspension as both lawful and necessary to ensure that the council can focus on the pressing issues facing the township without further disturbances. To this end the Party is urging all members of the public and political counterparts to refrain from spreading misinformation, making known that it is crucial to support a conducive environment for debate and decision- making within the council, free from personal agendas and unfounded accusations.
The PNCR is also calling on all fair-minded Guyanese to stand with the New Amsterdam Town Council. “Together, we must prioritise the interests of New Amsterdam and work towards creating a productive and harmonious local government system not only for New Amsterdam but throughout Guyana,” the party concludes its statement.