“A Colombian drug lord dubbed “the Prince of Semi-Submersibles” was sentenced to over 20 years in prison for operating a fleet of narco-submarines that smuggled thousands of kilos of cocaine into the U.S. from South America, federal prosecutors announced Monday.
Narco-submarines are makeshift nautical vehicles painted in ocean colors that have one purpose: to smuggle narcotics in hermetically sealed containers across thousands of miles of ocean to illicit ports of call in other countries. The technology has progressed in recent years and has become a significant force in the international drug trade.”
My back channels have been saying that similar submersibles, have been spotted in the Demerara River, after August 2020, since “the boys are back” with their heavy and very high influences, on the persons with immense political power. Commonsense and street smarts will know that the FBI, DEA, and CIA will have their monitors, for surprises to follow in due course, with the elements of surprise, to catch the big fishes in place of the small fishes. Have we noticed the slow increase with USA security personnel in Guyana ? Watch, observe and learn. Also watch which Minister and high official is NOT Travelling since the PS in Miami, embarrassing incident for Guyana’s image in the USA and globally.
The 48th Annual Islamic Bank Annual Meeting is now in session, May 10-13, 2023 in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Guyana’s representatives are Second Governor is Dr. (h.c.) Bharrat Jagdeo, 2nd. Vice President and Second Alternate Governor is Dr. Ashni Singh. Governor Jagdeo missed the last two Annual Meetings, IF, he misses a third, consecutive meeting, IsDB, can ask for a replacement.
IsDB website with 2 inaccuracies. H.E. Jagdeo, is a 2nd VP H.E Jagdeo, with an Honorary Doctorate from President Putin NOT an Earned Doctorate. H.E Jagdeo, missed last 2 IsDB Annual Meetings, held once yearly. Now HE Jagdeo’s 3 Gross Disrespect to IsDB and 56 Members’ Nations, Guyana is the 57th and last member admitted in 2016.
AUTHORIZED GOLD DEALERS OF THE GUYANA GOLD BOARD – Guyana Gold & Diamond Miners Association (ggdma.com)
Mohamed’s Enterprise Lombard Street gold dealer is continuing its dominant contribution to the mining sector.
El Dorado Trading (Tamesh Jagmohan) https://guyanapostonline.com/el-dorado-trading-says-it-contributed-us400-m-to-stabilize-local-economy-in-2020/
El Dorado Trading, owned by Tamesh Jagmohan, has a cambio license. However, he is not known to operate a cambio although he is reported in some quarters as being one of the largest cambio operators in Guyana. Alleged/Claimed that he helped stabilize the local economy and the foreign exchange rate by contributing some US$400 million through the banking system by way of remittances from overseas. This money was supposed to come from the sale of gold on the international scene.
Dinar Trading (CEO) Mohamed Iqbal Hussain,)
Gold Bar Development and Consulting Inc. (is a Bermuda based gold exploration & consulting company with significant holdings deep in the gold rich Jungles of Guyana, South America)
Excel Minerals Inc. (KRIS SAMMY, CEO)
GBTI Property Holdings Inc (BEHARRY)
Adamantium Metals Inc
Pure Diamond Inc.
“Gold is often mined illegally in Guyana and Suriname but does not share the violence that surrounds mining in Venezuela, where illegal mines are controlled by corrupt army officials, organized crime syndicates, and Colombian rebel groups. https://mercurio.infoamazonia.org/gold/
We all remember with agonies that the PPP has been in Government in the last 26 of 31 years, and in the media, we know of the many high profile narco and corrupt cases in the USA Eastern District of New York, with a JUDGE’s name that will make many in Guyana and Guyanese elsewhere, wet their pants, perspire and tremble, when hearing, or seeing or reading the name Honourable Judge DORA L. ITRIZARRY, as this Honorable Judge is considered an EXPERT on HOW ROTTEN GUYANA IS UNDER the PPP. This Hon. Judge presides over several SEALED INDICTMENTS. This is no secret, and many in the PPP hierarchy know, the suspected persons are around their leadership with their monies in support of party activities.
Who knows know that reportedly, Suriname Airlines (SLM) is BARRED from flying from Suriname DIRECTLY to the USA, and they must be INTRANSIT in other locations FIRST, before their arrival in the USA. Common sense there must be serious risks that necessitate this UNACCEPTABLE direct SLM flight to the USA.
The GCC Nations Ruling Families, USA House & Senate, White House, and Other Nations, are ALL aware that the PPP is a Marxist Political Party from its inception and is continuing to date, and some have requested in my back channel, for the PPP Constitution as evidence, which they have received, which a high ranking former PPP member found in a box in his garage with water stains and sent to me and another high ranking person in Guyanese politics, sent me a clean copy of the same PPP Constitution.
Many PPP former high position persons say that the PPP is about Nepotism, Cronyism and Patronage. “Nepotism means favoring only relatives in all positions, Cronyism is favoring only companions and friends in every position, and Patronage means that governing political party appoints their friends and relatives to only high positions not lower positions.” In summation we hear, read, and see daily 3Fs, Families, Friends, and Favorites, with contracts, financial and material assistances. In Berbice, families of Ministers brazenly give assistance to PPP members and supporters ONLY, and some very caring PPP members and supporters have strongly objected to such obnoxious behavior from those PPP Minister’s family members.
It will be an excellent community service activity, for the extremely successful entrepreneurs to do “Show, Tell & Know” programs, so others will learn to be successful, especially with tips, guides and suggestions on planning, team, operations, record keeping, marketing, shipping, profitability, TAXES paid to GRA. et al.
100 Suspicious Transaction Reports (STRs) were filed between 2016 and 2020, but that is where everything came to a dead stop. That is, not one person has been charged with any money laundering offence. There was an interval when financial and other reporting institutions did not see any activity as suspicious, or when they did ‘red flag’ transactions as suspicious, those stayed locked away in their filing cabinets. Instead of escalation to the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) for its analysis, and handoff to the Special Organized Crime Unit (SOCU), possible money laundering activities died in cabinets.
Close to 60% of Guyana’s gold smuggled overseas – Trotman
SMUGGLED …FBI reports about 15,000 ounces of gold being smuggled out of Guyana weekly
SMUGGLED …FBI reports about 15,000 ounces of gold being smuggled out of Guyana weekly
Majority of smuggled gold taken to Suriname via planes
Majority of smuggled gold taken to Suriname via planes – Kaieteur News (kaieteurnewsonline.com)
Smuggling blights Guyana gold rush South American country is losing a third of its gold revenue each year due to illegal trading.AL JAZEERA
In the Guyana Media and especially social media, the Manufactured Truths will lead to polarization. There is a great need for equity, inclusivity, and transparency. It is very noticeable, the numerous attempts for Media Censorship and the increasing PPP propaganda in the private media support group, through Government advertising and access to breaking news. Gone are the days of the weekly media briefings after the Cabinet meetings, to inform the Nation on activities of the PPPC’s one seat majority in Parliament.
AL JAZEERA Report March 23, 2023, Over USD $1 Billion is LOST by ZIMBABWE through a SENIOR DIPLOMAT Ambassador at Large, by Gold MAFIA Smugglers, with Gold to DUBAI and MONIES left in DUBAI. Undercover reporters posed as Investors. The shadow money of corruption, smuggling and money laundering by GOLD MAFIA syndicates. To meet the President of Zimbabwe is reportedly USD $200,000: Many are saying that Guyana is a good candidate for Al Jazeera like Zimbabwe.
Gold Mafia – Episode 1 – The Laundry Service I Al Jazeera Investigations – Bing video
It is very noticeable that the PPP Government’s political vendetta by selectively targeting opposition members and government critics on Government operations. These critics are with constructive evaluation comments by very knowledgeable persons, trying to get the PPP to reform and be truly Democratic in action not words. The massive PPP’s efforts to silence critics is ongoing, with the misuse of Government’s institutions which are to serve citizens.
PPP is talking democracy but practicing the opposite, autocracy similar to a one-party autocratic Government, which will not survive in the Americas with Exxon’s Billions in investments. Overall, the space for dissent has shrunk with PPPC’s one seat majority in Parliament with their maximum Government style. Hon Speaker in Parliament is expected to be impartial. BUT, ABCEU may be having “ buyers’ remorse” after August 2020, due to prevailing daily PPP’s leadership attitude, style, and behavior.
Many including my Washington back channel at Senate, House, and White House, are asking why the PPPC allows the Guyana GOLD MAFIA to continue to clean dirty money in Businesses, Buildings, Purchases, etc.? is GRA sleeping at the wheels? waiting for an Al Jazeera Expose like Zimbabwe? or another SU Gate Exposure? Where are GRA Forensic Auditors ?
Al Jazeera completed Episodes,1, 2, 3 and 4 on Zimbabwe, and there is a very strong possibility Episode 5 can be on Guyana, as this item is of Global interest and Al Jazeera is being Globally recognized for their thorough expose without fear or favor. Above link on October 3, 2011 Al Jazeera did cover Guyana “smuggling blights Guyana Gold Rush.”
Reminder, Global Forensic Auditors will do SOURCE and USE of FUNDS etc. and with their other many skills quickly determine the corrupt wealth accumulation, without reasonable justification, for seizures and criminal charges, with evidence, in due course.
“ The suspect wasn’t talking. Then the FBI brought in the CPA, and the tone of the interview shifted immediately. Forensic accountants in law enforcement play an important but largely anonymous role in protecting the public from fraud and gaining convictions of financial criminals. While agents in the field perform the on-site investigative work, forensic accountants who are hidden from view “follow the money” in ways that lead to breakthroughs. They scour bank statements and business records for evidence of illicit payments that only a highly trained accountant would be able to discover.”
Kaieteur News – A team from Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) is in Guyana with the intention of further assisting the Government to tackle criminal activities in some key areas.
On Tuesday, the team lead by Mr. James Markley, Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Legal Attaché and the lead officer of the FBI for the Caribbean region met with Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall, SC. Mr. Markley; Mr. Derek Kreitensteid, FBI’s Assistant Legal Attaché, and Mr. Mayan L. Shih of the U.S State Department met the Attorney General in his Chambers at 95 Carmichael Street, Georgetown, Guyana. Mr. Markley is the lead officer of the FBI for 27 Caribbean territories stretching from Bermuda to Guyana and is based in Bridgetown, Barbados.
FBI in Guyana to help tackle money laundering, narcotics trafficking, organised crime – Kaieteur News (kaieteurnewsonline.com)
Ukraine seizes assets of billionaire Novynskyi’s Smart Holding “The authorities have seized the assets of leading Ukrainian conglomerate Smart Holding, changed the name of the beneficial owner of shares in the registrar and taken control of its gas fields that supply gas directly to the embattled city of Kharkiv amongst other customers in what management told bne IntelliNews is probably a corporate raid.”
Ukraine seizes assets of billionaire Novynskyi’s Smart Holding (msn.com)