Dear Editor,
Christians should never be coerced into sowing seeds. It is imperative that I write on the issue of sowing seed in our local churches today. While sowing seed is not new in Christendom, how it is done should be addressed.
For years preachers have coerced members into sowing seeds of various amounts and each seed offering attracts a different blessing. This has caused many to feel as though they can’t be blessed by God or access the supernatural because they can’t sow a seed.
The Apostle Paul in his writing to the church in Corinth addressed the issue about giving. He said, “let each one give as he purposes in his heart…” (2 Corinthians 9:7a) Believers must determine how much they want to give and not the church leader. No believer should feel embarrassed about their giving.
Church leaders should stop lying about giving big and receiving big since the motivation for giving is not to get. It is against sound doctrine when we preach, we give to get. Everything we do as Christians should be motivated by love.
“As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue.” (2 Peter 1:3). Everything a believer needs comes through the knowledge of Christ. We are blessed because of Christ and not the seed we are sowing. We access God through Christ and not seed offering. It is all about Christ and nothing else.
Yours truly,
Lincoln Robinson