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This the perpetual enigma, nature or nurture, in the development of one’s personality. For this confession, my personality is one unforgivingly unyielding, with the Blacklisted registering hundreds. Which means, with news of a Freddie Kissoon Kaieteur News divorce, unworried was I, cognisant the cat may have exhausted its last life. In fact, an intoxicated celebrant was I, more euphoric than one resuscitated from the jaws of death.
Having said that, this the Freddie we speak of—Freddie the vexatious scourge. Freddie the neurotoxic trisomy. Freddie the semiliterate high school dropout. Freddie the quasi-academic. For in him we have the unashamed pen for pennies, where at the right price he would pen blatant disinformation, devoid of the most basic research. However, confounding this is, the conspicuous absence of literary creativity, so much so, his daily column presents an infantile construct. So infantile I must add, that nigh impossible it would be, geolocating another, who would’ve spent everyday of thirty years, writing on a nondescript dog and random strangers. Thus, of such eccentricity, research it was on unambiguous commonsensical standards, that would lend themselves to the appraisal of both Freddie, and his column.
For this we know, a columnist’s penmanship can be appraised based on literary word interplay, so forged as to capture the readers’ intrigue and imagination. Further, determinant on literary construct, penmanship could also be appraised on the effectiveness of argument and the clarity of articulation. But critically, with most columns read for new knowledge and not columnist opinions, columnists could be appraised on their ability to strike a balance between personal opinion and fact. However, in Freddie, we’ve one who falls embarrassingly short of the minimum standards, even as he deludes his gossip column reflects a Shakespearean literary masterclass.
Pre-election Freddie
But this we admit, Freddie has an unalienable right to support a political party of his choice. However, this is the contention, he dwelled amongst us, pretended to be of us, when in fact he was of PPP. Then when outed as one of the cup, he unashamedly transitioned from lighting gas to gaslighting.
Thus, this revelation—The evidence supports a Freddie’s eternal marriage to PPP, rather than the recent matrimony he misinformed. For this we know, Lamborghini love doesn’t exist—Hating PPP in 2020, then in the very 2020, accelerating from 0 to 60 love bites, in a matter of 2 seconds.That just doesn’t happen. That’s wedding years celebrating OMAI gold.
That said, this reaffirms his big mouth/small brain status—The brainless conviction he can fool all the people all the time. For this was the state of play—Dr. Fake’s Uitvlugt undergraduate degree had many scratching their heads. Then with his Uitvlugt degree birthing mysterious online degrees, there were more scratched heads and busied tongues, considering his UG abortion. However, with many perplexed, yearning transcripts, Freddie stood to defend the Uitvlught qualifications. For this was his asinine argument, the university dropout is in the all clear, having received a degree from a recognise institution, UWI. Then this rubbish assertion—The Uitvlugt degree is now a dead issue.
Therefore, extrapolating from Freddie’s argument, a money launderer who cleaned his money, should thereafter be deemed clean. Further, from his argument, with the money made clean, the money launderer is in the all clear. And in extension, Dr. Fake is in the all clear, having cleaned his fraudulent Uitvlugt degree, with a recognised university degree. Indeed, such fantastical reasoning could’ve only come from a brainless semiliterate high school dropout.
Post election Freddie.
But this we know, thus must disseminate, an election projects three captions;
1. Voting/Tabulation
2. Declaration/Inauguration
3. Election Petition
Then the legislations;
1. Only GECOM has statutory powers to tabulate/declare elections.
2. Only the Courts, through an election petition, could rule on an election.
But 2020 was the year of fools, where Freddie usurped the powers of both constitutional bodies. Thus, firstly he certified the elections credible, after which PPP he declared unassailable winner. Then continuing along the path of simpletons, he ruled the election valid, and in so doing rendered the Chief Justice redundant.
However, having experienced Freddie for decades, this we certify— He is a functional microcephalic, thus unable to differentiate his opinions from facts. Which meant, for a few pennies, he transitioned an election runway train, weaponising his column, such that any not agreeable, faced his wrath.
In fact, the man dumb as a box of rocks, represents boxes of depressing lows;
1. Covid maimed, Covid killed, such that we registered one of the highest Covid mortality rates in the hemisphere.
2. Not being a PPP priority, children were 2yrs education denied, with consequences, informed by the UNDP and World Bank, being irremediable.
3. Many Black men, against democratic principles, were murdered by the State. Many before the criminal courts for exercising their right to free speech. Many face daily discrimination and victimisation. Many Public Sector Workers dismissed without due process. Many mystery fires.
4. Cost of living on steroids. Discrimination in contracts allocations. Rampant corruption evidence by the TIGI index. And much more. Yet Freddie ignored these ills to argue, transformative leadership. Thus, the King Solomons amongst us postulated, at the age of 72yrs, having lost his canines, he hadn’t a choice but to drink the boneless soup.
Mark’s take
However, there is much more to abhor about the man, who sold his dignity to PPP, inseparably embracing racism, nepotism, victimisation, discrimination, apartheid etc.
For he boasts of activism, however his activism speaks to Performative Activism, that’s underpinned by monetisation. Money! Which means, his activism isn’t for Blacks. Isn’t for Indians. Isn’t for the Indigenous. Rather his activism is for Freddie. Activism for Freddie’s dollars. Armchair activist. Propaganda. Slacktivism.
And for these reasons, certain am I that many are celebrating his Kaieteur News demise. For many have died. Many children futureless. Yet he embosoms PPP, unashamed of his record, worst ever Performative Activist—Cash for children.