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150,000 Guyanese to become coders through the new UAE partnership: Yes, for this need. Why UAE? UAE is NOT a GLOBAL EXPERT in this area. Is this another example of Families, Friends, and Favorites, like the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook al-Maktoum for the supply of 200,000 doses of the Sputnik 5 vaccine?
Many Guyanese in the DIASPORAS could have been given this opportunity with their and companies skills, talent, and knowledge of the Guyanese education culture?
The 10 Best Countries for Coding are Ukraine, USA, Canada, China, Japan, Switzerland, Germany, Taiwan, India, and France.
10 Best Countries to Start Your Coding or Programming Careers (
Street-vendor-turned-software-engineer Devin Jackson used free resources to break into tech. He started We Build Black to help Black New Yorkers transition into tech and land high-paying jobs. We Build Black offers free programming like social events, tech conferences, and coding bootcamps. At VERY CHEAP COSTS. Idea that Guyanese Information Technology Person can easily accomplish. A person in LINDEN was offering “similar Coding” Courses, why did not use the Guyanese Talent?
UAE is not in the Top 10 for coding, so there is no valid agreement for CODING Best Practices from UAE.
A DEPUTY SPEAKER in PARLIAMENT was chosen by PPPC with the representative of ANUG with one MP, in place of the elected opposition with 31 MPS and PPPC with 33 MPs in a 65 members Parliament. This is PPP’s example of “GUIDED” Democracy. The Hon Speaker often disallows Opposition questions and motions, which can be verified from the Parliament’s records.
Statutory Commissions and over 100 Government BOARDS are without an Opposition Representative. During the Coalition Government each Commission and Board had at least one opposition Member. The writer knows from experiences whilst serving as Deputy Chair at GO-Invest, then Minister of Business, Hon. Dominic Gaskin and Chairperson Ms. Patrica Bacchus, Esq, each month sent reminder letters to the Opposition Party for their representative for the GO-Invest Board and in due course an Opposition Member attended the GO-Invest Board Meetings.
Natural Resources Fund Committee where PPP chose the Opposition Representative. In the interview His Excellency President Ali said CLEARLY “US $80 Million Signing Bonus.” ExxonMobil signing bonus is USD $18 Million towards ICJ Legal Expenses for the Venezuela border case. VERBAL Error OR President LIED, “terminological inexactitude” at a HIGH Global Forum at Al Jazeera?
Coalition Government NRF had a large group of Civil Society members to be Directors on the NRF Board, this was a more Civic representation, which was removed in the PPP NRF Law. The records will validate the Coalition Government NRF Board had a much wider group of persons including civil society representatives.
His Excellency President Ali is in effect ALSO the Minister of Finance. There is a Senior Minister of Finance in the office of the President. WHY? for Immunities from future Fraud Charges?
The 2nd Vice President is also under the office of the President managing the Billions of OIL & GAS Revenues, why is this portfolio not under a substantive Ministry of OIL & GAS? WHY? for Immunities from future Fraud Charges?
With all due respect, in Guyana’s Constitution the Prime Minister is also the First Vice President, therefore Past President Jagdeo who already served his two terms limit, is now the SECOND Vice President, not Vice President, which Globally means First Vice President. Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), WEBSITE for 57 Nations is very INACCURATE and a FALSE representation for Guyana PPPC Government, is very embarrassing to IsDB’s Global IMAGE, for Past President Jagdeo, who is SECOND VICE PRESIDENT and does not hold an EARNED Doctorate to use Dr. to his name as Governor. An Honorary Doctorate should have been abbreviated as “H.C”, NOT “Dr”. A Person with an honorary award CANNOT USE “Dr” in their name. The abbreviation H.C means “Honoris Cause” which literally means “for the sake of the honor” in the Latin language.
Governor 2nd Vice President Jagdeo, missed the last two Annual General Meetings, and in the Arabic Culture, not to show up, is gross disrespect, and IsDB, back channels, is not pleased and plans to inform him at the Next 48th. Annual Meeting during June 2023. IF the 3rd. Annual Meeting is missed Guyana will most likely be requested to send a NEW Governor who has time to attend and participate at critical decision-making Annual meetings.
Islamic Development Bank (Website for 57 member Nations)
H.E. Dr Bharrat Jagdeo
Vice President
Alternate Governor
H.E. Dr Ashni Singh
Senior Minister, Office of the President
In comparison, under the Coalition Government the FIRST GOVERNOR at Islamic Development Bank, was Senior Minister of Finance, Hon. Winston Jordan, and the First ALTERNATE Governor was Dr. Shamir Ally, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to KUWAIT.
New York Attorney General and Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) spoke publicly on PPPC RACISM IN GUYANA. Congressperson Hakeen Jeffries is the NEW 2023 House Democratic LEADER by UNANIMOUS VOTES for the 118th Congress and will actively purse changes at the US Government Agencies for Guyana PPPC to be with fairer PRACTICES and ACTIONS, towards Democracy, Transparency and Accountability and to daily avoid PPPC’s political, and institutional double standards.
Joint Statement by Ambassadors of USA, UK, Canada, and EU on International Anti-Corruption Day 2022, “However, combatting corruption requires more than a robust legislative framework. In each case where the legal framework allows for best practices, those practices must be implemented for all to see and experience. As corruption disproportionately impacts the most vulnerable in society, governments have a duty to hold to account those who engage in fraud, bribery, and collusion with criminal elements. Governments alone cannot solve this social disease, however – civil society and the private sector must also do their part to work collectively with governments to eradicate corruption at all levels. “
The NEW USA Ambassador will soon arrive, with 50% of the population suffering and starving with anger, range and being left out, hopefully PPP/C arrogance will be reduced in 2023, for a Guyana towards “One Nation, One People, One Destiny.”
Watch President Ali’s interview with Al Jazeera