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Attorney General (AG) Mohabir Anil Nandlall has said that Guyana’s government (parliament) has passed and enacted 25 items of legislation during 2022.
The AG said, “That is an average of two pieces of legislation per month. That is a record by any standard…we would have doubled any other country in the Caribbean with that rate of enactment of laws.”
The AG noted that, “Law revision is a very important exercise because it keeps the country’s laws updated. Secondly, it keeps them consolidated, and thirdly, it makes them accessible and easy to consult. So, it must be done at regular intervals.”
The AG said, too, “[We are concluding] the revision of the laws of Guyana…the exercise whereby you get all the different pieces of amendments, and you insert them into the principal acts that [have been] amended, so when you read that principal act, the amendments are incorporated, and it reads smoothly.”
The legislation to which the AG referred covered diverse areas of law including those related to local content, hire purchase arrangements, and the legalisation and regulation of hemp production and use in the manufacturing sector.
Regarding the intentions of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) administration, the AG declared that “We don’t plan to slow down [in 2023]. In fact, we will accelerate our agenda for next year.”
While several items of legislation approved during the year were subject to strong objections by Guyana’s political opposition parties, the PPP’s one seat majority in parliament ensured that its legislative intent and agenda would almost certainly prevail in each case.