Nicholas Balkishun, a 28-year-old Tailor of Lot 108 Best Road, West Coast Demerara who was arrested on 2022/11/23, was charged for the following offences:
- Disorderly Behaviour
- Assault Peace Officer
- D.U.I
Today (2022/11/24) the defendant appeared, virtually, at the Wales Magistrate Court before Her Worship Magistrate Faith McGusty where the charges were read to him and he pleaded guilty to all the charges.
He was fined $10,000 for the Disorderly Behaviour charge, $10,000 for the Assault Peace Officer charge, and $7,500 for the DUI charge.
Two more charges for Damage to Property and Abusive Language to be laid on Monday November 28 at Vreed-en-Hoop Magistrate’s Court. (Police release)