Dear Editor,
I read in yesterday’s Stabroek News, a letter titled “ Mr. Green’s hypocrisy is astonishing,” written by Harry Hergash as a response to my letter critical of the present administration for failing to practice bedrock of a viable democracy, that is, consultation and allowing the others’ tears of governance to function as is demanded by our Constitution.
Mr. Hergash’s obsession seems to be an assault on my character in my role while in office.
His obsession led him to question my religious beliefs. In his next effort on writing, I suggest he deals with the message and not the messenger.
This has been a trident trick by those who are unable or afraid to deal with the real issue at hand.
I take this opportunity to enlighten Harry Hergash that being referred to as an ‘Elder’ has absolutely nothing to do with the Christian faith.
Yours truly,
Hamilton Green