Dear Editor,
A strange thing happened along the road to what one could describe as an ongoing circus. According to the Guyana Police Service, New York based Guyanese social and political activist Rickford Burke is wanted for an alleged offence of extortion against a Guyanese based businessperson. As a result, the police issued a wanted bulletin in the print and online media.
In response to the issued wanted bulletin, the main opposition APNU-AFC issued a statement in support of Rickford Burke, and, in doing so, suggested that Burke would prevail against these allegations in a court of law. Editor, here is where matters turned from the curious to the absurd when none other than the Ministry of Home Affairs issued a statement accusing the APNU/AFC of among many things, “ choosing the side of criminality.” This statement, purportedly issued in the name of the Government of Guyana, listed a series of alleged criminal acts and schemes associated with the APNU/AFC. Disappointingly, no mention was made of the APNU/ AFC direct involvement in the killing of Jesus Christ in this dear land of ours where the battle of good vs evil on rabid display.
Of note, this is a PPP government accusing actors of supporting and engaging in criminal conduct. Editor, maybe it is time that the Ministry of Home Affairs inform and explain to the citizens of Guyana who were the authors of the decision and execution of a scheme to purchase, import, train, and make available to a convicted drug baron the infamous ‘ spy equipment.’ Further, said ministry should also explain why a Commissioner of Police was appointed when according to US intelligence and diplomatic cables he, “ was materially involved in drugs. “ Since we are consumed with ‘wanted bulletins,’ maybe the ministry can assist the public about the PPP party and government relationship with one Mark Cromwell, aka ‘Demon.’ There is also the well documented ongoing investigation of over 100 PPP affiliated financiers including Tamesh Jagmohan by US authorities but who was given wide berth by the current apparently compromised US Ambassador Lynch..
A fundamental tenet of the rule of law is the principle that every citizen is entitled to his or her day in court and, in doing so, an opportunity to confront and challenge those alleging criminal or illegal conduct. Today, the PPP and those who parse and traffic their stories would have us believe that one is a criminal because they say so. Ironically, at a basic level, would those assigning these labels recognize whom or what is a criminal?
Here we have a ministry and agency tasked with designing and overseeing the implementing of a criminal justice architecture thereby ensuring Guyanese citizens basic security of person and property failing at every juncture. Lest we forget the Henry boys or Haresh Singh families crying out for justice for their loved ones who were slaughtered and a Ministry that did everything in their power to impede and sabotage an impartial investigation including refusing the services of an internationally renowned Forensic Expert.
A Police Force that is fundamentally incapable of preventing or solving crimes remains in place in a land where justice is neither swift nor certain due to the unprofessionalism, incompetence and craven corruption by those tasked with upholding the rule of law.
Every day, the average Guyanese wakes up burdened with despair that public safety is but a fleeting dream, because criminals, either in the streets or, in boardrooms or in cabinet are certain that that they will never be called to account. Today, this is a criminal justice system supervised and run by the PPP government, and under the direct stewardship of a politically partisan and completely clueless Minister of Home Affairs!
Roger Carr