Stabroek News’ report dated Sunday, 25th September, 2022 that the official computation of the remuneration packages for the 2020 Elections Commission of Inquiry (COI) Commissioners have not been finalised as yet, and that the necessary financial papers will be going to the National Assembly for approval of public money to pay the Commissioners and support staff, is disturbing.
There is reason to think Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall, S.C., M.P. apparently is the one who made the statement. If, however, the media report is accurate, then all Guyanese should now be extremely worried.
The Commissioners were sworn-in a while now and to date there is no Terms of Reference nor are their remuneration packages finalised. Does this make sense?
Is the government saying to Guyanese they hired people but the people don’t know the specifics of their jobs nor do they know what they will be paid? Does that make any sense?
What will happen should the already sworn-in commissioners say that the government’s offer is too small? Will there be a negotiation? Can the government negotiate given that the Commissioners were already sworn-in?
Where on this earth are people offered a job without knowing what are the specifics of the job and what is the salary for the job? The answer is only in Guyana under a PPP/C government.
Notwithstanding the above, I believe the PPP Government has indeed agreed to $700M for the five (5) people over a six-month period and is now being dishonest to the nation and that makes it even worse.