Dear Editor,
In response to Freddie Kissoon’s daily Anancy-like storytelling (What did Pompeo Say to Granger —KN, Sept. 7, 2022) referring to then controversial US Secretary of State, and the President of Guyana, David Arthur Granger. Mind you, the description of his daily storytelling to that of Anancy is merely to remind the readers that according to the Jamaican folk tradition, Anancy was a very ‘mischievous spider.’
Freddie mischievously writes: “The first call did not succeed, and the US Embassy was instructed by Mr. Pompeo to facilitate the second call. Mr. Pompeo spoke to Mr. Granger on July 31 and the rest is history. What is not part of history and may never be part of history is what Pompeo conveyed to Granger. Unless Mr. Pompeo and Mr. Granger write their memoirs and highlight the July 31 discussion, we will never know…”
Sadly, there seems to be no end to Freddie’s falsehood on information of events that he knows absolutely nothing about, or he’s deliberately being misled by another mischievous spider, this time it’s the Incy Wincy spider who has whispered the nursery rhyme to him: ‘The itsy-bitsy spider crawled up the waterspout. Down came the rain and washed the spider out. Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain and the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again…”
Hence, I now wish to publicly state without fear of contradiction that at no time did His Excellency President David Arthur Granger, during his entire presidency or after the elections, had any conversation with Mike Pompeo. Indeed, two desperate attempts were made by Pompeo on July 15, 2020, to speak with the President during his 75th birth anniversary celebration, but on both occasions the phone calls were DECLINED.
Shortly after those calls were declined, Pompeo got into a tantrum and began throwing missiles about visa revocation to government officials, and in a not-so-subtle way threatened the independence of GECOM and members of judiciary. Unfortunately, the rest is history and Freddie’s newfound friends in the PPP were installed into government under questionable circumstances.
My message to Freddie: – Be careful with these mischievous Spider Notes because the rains of truth will eventually come and wash the lies and political mischief of the Itsy-Bitsy Spider out.
Mark A. Benschop