Decade for People of African Descent Assembly – Guyana (IDPADA-G) was formed to fulfill the United Nations’ (UN) mandate to Member-States.
“The Decade is a unique platform that emphasises the important contribution made by people of African Descent to every society, and promotes concrete measures to stop discrimination and promote their full inclusion.”
– Michelle Bachelet, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
In December 2013, the UN General Assembly adopted resolution 68/237, by which it proclaimed 2015 to 2024 to be the International Decade for People of African Descent, with the theme “People of African descent: recognition, justice and development.”
The resolution established the following specific objectives for the International Decade:
- To strengthen national, regional and international action and cooperation in relation to the full enjoyment of economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights by people of African descent and their full and equal participation in all aspects of society;
- To promote a greater knowledge of and respect for the diverse heritage, culture and contribution of people of African descent to the development of societies;
- To adopt and strengthen national, regional and international legal frameworks in accordance with the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination, and to ensure their full and effective implementation.
In countries where Africans populate, governments are urged by the UN to provide resources and allow for the establishing of structures where Africans can freely congregate and articulate their reality from their perspectives, and government address these in respect for the Decade and the UN’s Goal of eliminating discrimination and creating societies where equality and equity become the norm.
Aimed at ‘Advancing Equity and Social Justice for People of African Descent’ self-expression, which is part of human existence and social interaction, is pivotal. The UN protects self-expression as a right which is similarly enshrined in Article 146 of the Constitution of Guyana.
The decade started in 2015 under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) government. Nothing was done until 2018 with the establishment IDPADA-G in December 2017 and their facilitation by the A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) government. The two-year-old Irfaan Ali government has continued to provide financial resources in a dedicated-decade to African-Guyanese that has two remaining years. Of the ten years the race has been deprived, thus far, three years of organisational articulation and representation.
The Mission of IDPADA-G is to:
1) Advocate at the national level for policies and programmes that advance the interests and condition of Guyanese of African Descent in the five Response Areas of Economy, Employment, Education, Equity/Equality and Expiation.
2) Provide guidance and support to member organisations for developing and undertaking projects that respond to the needs of Guyanese of African Descent.
3) Provide capacity building and organisational support to member organisations and the wider African Guyanese community
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