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The Alliance For Change on Saturday elected what it described as a dynamic team comprising stalwarts and youth to take the party forward for the next two years.
In a press release the AFC said retaining the position of Leader of the AFC is Khemraj Ramjattan while Cathy Hughes, former Vice Chairperson was elected Chairman. Ricky Ramsaroop was elected the new Vice Chairman. The position of General Secretary is now held by Sherod Duncan.
High enthusiasm and excitement enveloped the elections that was arguably the Party’s most consequential National Conference. The process and agenda was endorsed by the full complement of more than two hundred delegates and observers who attended, representing groups across the ten regions of Guyana, the Youth For Change, the Women For Change and AFC groups in the Diaspora including the USA, Canada, UK and the Caribbean.
The day-long National Conference saw the AFC electing 12 members to its National Executive Committee the second highest decision making forum of the Party.
The new leadership body has pledged to work towards the advancement of the founding principles, increasing membership, establishing more groups, addressing concerns of members and in a more heightened manner, matters of national concern.
The National Conference very importantly, examined ”The way forward” for the Party and voted overwhelmingly in favour of staying in a political alliance with APNU until the expiration of the Cummingsburg Accord in December 2022 when it will be reviewed. In addition, the conference demanded in the meantime that the AFC secure a firm agreement and structure for it to have greater influence on policy positions and political actions within the alliance, while maintaining its independence, rebranding and regaining its identity.
The new executive body will shortly meet to co-opt additional members to the second highest decision making forum of the Party. The Seventh National Conference of the Alliance For Change saw the Party emerging stronger.