Dear Editor
I find it laughable but mischievous that Mr. Roysdale Forde insinuated that the PNCR under my leadership will turn the Party into a Black Party. If Mr. Forde was in the PNCR long enough he would have known that Mr. Winston Murray was an Indo Guyanese who Aubrey Norton supported for Leader of the PNCR. I was also his campaign manager leading Mr. Murray’s campaign to make him what would have been the first Indo Guyanese Leader of the PNCR when some Mr. Forde was speaking to were busy fighting against Murray.
Throughout my involvement in politics I have always promoted the idea of a PNCR and country for all Guyanese. May I also inform Mr. Forde that as General Secretary of the PNC in 1997 I worked with what was called then the non traditional party support group to bring Indo Guyanese to the PNC. No spreading of misinformation can change the facts.
Again Mr. Forde is too new to the PNCR to know that in 2006 I organised a conference in our Party at the Critchlow Labour College with the Indo Guyanese in our Party on how we could increase the Indo Guyanese base in our Party. The facts speak for themselves. PNCR members and supporters will not be misled by Mr. Forde’s misinform.
AubreyC Norton