Dear editor,
I have mad love for football such that, I do believe I’m cognisant of all the negotiating ploys, used by footballers.
For a common ploy employed when contract negations are in progress is to flirt with other football clubs that maybe prepared to offer a better contract. The parent club on observing this, and not wanting to lose their versatile player, would rush the negotiations, providing him a new contract with substantial increases in wages.
I say this for I could not resist observing our new democracy fighter, Selwyn Pieters flirting with APNU+AFC as he appears to be on full scale attack on PPP.
Many may naively believe that he has turned the corner but as a scholar of football I recognise his antics for what it is- A ploy to earn him a better deal with PPP since his contract is not to his liking.
For this is my advice:
Don’t be fooled
A Leopard don’t change its spots.
Be wary of men who appear to swing it both ways.
Dr Mark Devonish MBBS MSc. Med