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Dear Editor,
I am lost for words to describe Freddie Kissoon`s continued attempt to fumigate the truth about National Service. In his recent column: “Mahadai Das: Ian McDonald`s missing biographical notes”, he sought once again to poison the minds of the readers about National Service by stating that “Das thus voluntarily joined GNS at a time when it was compulsory.”(author`s emphasis).
This is his umpteenth dose of this pill. While I do not consider his column worthy of my attention, I will resist his attempt to poison the minds of the readers, particularly the youth, with his malicious falsity (lie). National Service was voluntary, except for University Students, who were a minority of those enrolled in National Service. The pioneers constituted the core and bulk of National Service along with the Young Brigade, both of which were voluntary. That is an irrefutable fact, ask Jerry and Peter.
Freddie Kissoon`s refusal to acknowledge the truth, and more so his continued propagation of a lie, makes him a very incredible source of information; an abuser of the fourth estate; and his malicious falsity even worse that the acts of Peter, Judas and Thomas. Even the Christ arisen seems incapable of redeeming him.
Yours sincerely
Vincent Alexander