Dear Editor
All is not well in Guyana. There is too much grumbling and dissatisfaction. Whilst there remain disputes and proven irregularities of the 2020 Election, those willing to give the Irfaan Ali government a chance as they await the court rulings on the petitions are very disturbed with what is happening. Even some who voted for the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) or felt the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) government betrayed them are expressing disappointment with the government.
When it is not the firing of public sector workers, harassing of them, locking them up or filing frivolous charges against them, the government is refusing to engage in collective bargaining with public service and teacher unions. When it is not the government bending hands over fist to make sure the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) is kept functioning by putting in billions of taxpayers’ dollars in order than sugar workers can have a job, they are refusing to even look at the problems of the partly state-owned Bauxite Company Guyana Incorporated (BCGI) to make sure bauxite workers have a job.
When it is not the alleged discriminatory distribution of the $25,000 cash grant to families in their strongholds based on how many are living in the house, in opposition strongholds people have reported only one person in the home receives the grant, regardless of how many working individuals or families are in the building.
When it is not the most primitive of politics at play to immobilise the parliamentary Public Accounts Committee, which examines government spending, by calling for Member of Parliament David Patterson not to chair the Committee, there is allegation that resources are not equitably distributed within the ten administrative regions. There have been reports that the government is paying special attention to its strongholds and their supporters and ignoring others.
Eyes are on the sugar workers protest for state-owned GuySuCo to engage in collective bargaining to address wages. Workers at BCGI, the public and teaching sectors, and Guyanese will watch to see if the government will respect collective bargaining for sugar workers but not bauxite workers, public servants and teachers. Many are beginning to believe enough is enough and they cannot remain silent or whisper among themselves about their growing dissatisfaction with how they are being treated.
There is growing agitation that the opposition APNU+AFC is either incapable or unwilling to face off with the government even though their supporters are the ones affected and hurting. There is growing agitation only a few opposition Members of Parliament are speaking truth to power, unafraid to challenge and expose government arrogance and abuses. Though some have been inclined to make excuses or explain away the opposition’s present attitude, if the opposition cannot lead or face off with the government then they should not have run to be the government.
An opposition is a government in waiting and should daily remind society were they in government what they would or wouldn’t do, what is acceptable or unacceptable from government, what the people deserve or don’t deserve. They are the ones elected to represent the people. There are enough grumblings which is sufficient evidence people are fired up against what is happening but what they are not getting is the political support and leadership necessary to effect positive government actions
As all of the above and more are happening President Ali is touting a “One Guyana” story. Some Guyanese suspect that “One Guyana” does not mean all Guyanese but is coded language for only supporters of the PPP/C. If this is not what the President means there is enough disquiet and rumblings in society for him to fix what is evidently wrong. Many Guyanese are hurting and dissatisfied with the political management of the state and their welfare.
Shawn James