The Editor
It has been brought to my attention that there is a letter in circulation authored by Mr. Hamilton Green which alludes to an alleged incident I was involved in with the current Minister Within the Office of the Prime Minister, the Honourable Kwame McCoy during his employ as the Mayor’s Special Assistant at the Georgetown Municipality. Regrettably, this statement is a complete misrepresentation since at no point in time have I been ever been attacked, let alone slapped by Mr. McCoy.
A dichotomy is apparent when Mr. Green states “when confronted, his response was to allegedly slap Ms. Etwaroo” but in the very next sentence can be quoted as writing “the above facts are known to all those who operated within the Mayoral Complex.” How is it that the occurrence Mr. Green is referring to is an allegation (which means that it is unproven), but is also factual and known by many?
One of my greater concerns in his missive was Mr. Green’s statement that ‘they begged me not to hand him over to the police’. Firstly, these persons unknown would have been complicit in supporting violence against women if not for the fallacious nature of the accusation, but more importantly, Mr. Green (whose duty it was to protect the staff under his charge and who holds himself out to be an advocate against violence and abuse of all types) would have completely absconded his responsibility from reporting the matter to the relevant authorities and or the police as he stated that he was begged not to, If all of this were true.
I would like to state empathetically and unreservedly that I was never assailed upon by Mr. Kwame McCoy and I resent my name being used to further a political agenda.
With regards.
Eva Etwaroo-Orderson