Priya Manickchand, the installed Minister of Education, is as bountifully clueless as they come. In fact, all things considered, she has to be the most brainless person to have had stewardship of this Ministry. Nonetheless, if one is to be guided by this buffoon’s social media propaganda, it could be easily misconstrued, all is extraordinarily well at the aforesaid Ministry.
When the reality is, the Ministry is in severe crisis, with our teachers facing the elements on a daily basis, striking for a liveable wage. Moreover, and more concerningly, our children, who are already burdened with 2yrs Covid learning loss, are now confronted with at least two further months, as a direct consequence of Manickchand’s and PPP incompetence. However, despite these catastrophic realities, Priya Manickchand, with head evidently buried in her anatomy, goes about her business, oblivious of the tragedies unfolding in her Ministry.
But the tragedies unfolding in Priya Manickchand’s Ministry, are as conspicuous as her gross incompetence. For our children and teachers are both at the end of their tethers, facing crises after crises, all down to the bloated incompetence of this installed Minister. In fact, to date our teachers have been facing the elements for nearly 2 months, striking for a liveable wage, in what is characterised as an oil rich economy.
And our children, already burdened with 2yrs Covid learning loss, are confronted with more, each day the teachers are outside of the classroom. However, despite these tragic realities in her Ministry, the asinine Priya Manickchand would find time for social media, perpetuating PPP propaganda, laden with toddler level grammatical errors. As a result, our children are challenged with CSEC and CAPE, totally unprepared, even as tens of thousands faced cancellation of their end of term examinations.
However, the callous Priya Manickchand, and in extension PPP, careless about our children’s plight. For the reality is, the consequences of our children not being schooled for such extended periods, are impactful beyond learning loss, to include psychological and social implications. In fact, this was and is evident during the immediate post-Covid period, when many of our children, denied schooling for 2yrs, exhibited deviant behaviours.
The fact is, schools do serve as a safe place for many of our vulnerable children, and it’s these children, denied this safe place, who consequently experience untold abuses in their homes, hence likely to be burdened with psychological issues. But having observed these manifestations of our children’s behaviour post-Covid, the moronic Priya Manickchand continues to exist in fool’s paradise, not making an effort to get our children back at school, to provide that educational safe place they desperately need.
Moreover, as Priya Manickchand, and in extension PPP, exhibit effervescent arrogance, many of our girls, denied that safe place in schools, are experiencing horrific sexual abuses. For this is certainly not new, painfully evident during the pandemic, when many of our girls fell victim to statutory rapes, and ultimately underage pregnancies. In fact, Priya Manickchand, interrogated on these very criminal issues, nonchalantly quoted the painful statistics, evidencing from her uncaring demeanour, that she, and in extension PPP, careless about our children’s wellbeing.
Now, considering the aforementioned realities, we as concerned parents are worried sick about our children’s future, in light of this irremediable learning loss. For any who would’ve had aspirations of social mobility, down to Manickchand’s and in extension PPP incompetence, would’ve to recalibrate such future career aspirations.
But even as our children are forced to recalibrate their future career aspirations, Manickchand and in extension PPP, continue to constructively close schools, through their refusal to have meaningful engagement with our teachers. Thus, with Priya Manickchand, repeatedly placing our children’s futures and lives in flames, the time has come for this incompetent installed government to offload this installed Minister, who is proving to be a deadweight.