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Dear Editor,
This month ushers in our traditional Christmas season when we all share wishes for peace, happiness and prosperity.
This weekend we await the Venezuelan Referendum. Our case is rock-solid and as a patriot, I say Not a Blade a grass. But Editor and Citizens, my word is the mishandling of important matters by our duly elected President and his inner circle.
What happens with the Referendum on Sunday, December 3, 2023 in Caracas is of some significance, but our great Globetrotter, President and Commander-in-Chief, for the armed Forces and the General Secretary of the PPP find themselves in Dubai at a Climate Change Meeting.
Climate change is important to everyone who inhabits this planet. The top decision-makers, the movers and shakers of the world have already decided what happens next.
Whatever President Ali may say will make little difference to this global issue. At a time of crisis in Guyana when many citizens are nervous, the Head of State needs to be on the Captain’s deck to tell the rest of this nation, “I am with you physically and emotionally.” For me it’s a let down and unacceptable that our Head of State should not be here with us.
Over the last few weeks, we’ve seen and heard quite a bit concerning this border question but nowhere have I heard from any of the Government top brass an articulation of what we were taught before and after Independence, the programme of ‘defence in depth. ’
If the Government is serious about the integrity of our nation-state, they should seek wise counselling from those who were involved in the programme of defence in depth. Instead there is anxiety to label our police vehicle – Policia, and the clear intention articulated by the General Secretary of the PPP to grant Venezuelans passports, identification cards, etc.
In a previous letter, I pointed to the shared stupidity of this position. Since my letter, this week two of these special immigrants were charged with murder. In a short while, judging by the enthusiasm of Freedom House to welcome these so-called neighbors, they can take over without firing a shot with or without the Referendum results, just examine the demographics. Maduro can achieve his objective of taking over Essequibo and perhaps beyond. They have the numbers. The tactics and strategy are not rocket-science.
If President Ali and the PPP are serious about keeping Essequibo as part of Guyana, we need them to announce a policy which does not favour Venezuelans coming and settling in Guyana as against other groups of persons.
I hereby demand from the Government a clear unambiguous statement that all undocumented persons found in Guyana will be treated equally, whether it be from Brazil, Surinam, Haiti, Nigeria, Dominica, Palestine or Venezuela.
Yours truly,
Hamilton Green