Team APNU extends gratitude to the people of Linden and Kwakwani, who by their vote have said loudly and clearly that they will NOT allow their own tax dollars to tie them to a regime of bullies. The 2023 Local Government Elections were a referendum on three issues here in Region #10.
Firstly, it was a referendum on the equitable provision of resources, regardless of race, religion or political persuasion. The people have voted to let the Government of the day know that they are aware of their politics of domination and misuse of public funds to rewards their friends, family and favourites, subtle campaigning with public funds such as the hastened distribution of the ‘cash grant’ and CDC contracts, threatening employees to co-opt their participation in their campaign activities, as well as withholding public funds to stifle perceived opposition. The vote on this issue was a resounding NO to this policy of the PPP/C.
The vote at these elections was also a referendum on the people’s demand to be accorded their basic human rights, including the right to access to information. It is no small issue that the government has taken hostage an asset that belongs to the people of Linden, and piles on the denial of access to different viewpoints through the mass media of television and radio as well.
Finally, this vote was a referendum on the issue of corruption; against people allegedly being paid to cast their vote, against people’s livelihoods being threatened unless they vote a certain way and against friends, fans and favourites being rewarded out of the public coffers in ways that contravene our laws.
This election was a battle against a hegemonic group, a David and Goliath battle indeed. The delaying of projects begun under the APNU administration, then expediting them to seem to be delivering in an effort to gain votes did not escape the notice of our people, and they voted to end this practice.
However, the true work now begins, to deliver strong representation for and on behalf of the people who have voted their trust in us. We are cognizant that the PPP has improved their performance at these elections, gaining another seat on the Linden municipality.
If they are truly interested in the development of Linden and Kwakwani as they said in their campaign, then they must provide the resources to do so to the elected representatives of the people, regardless of who those elected support.
The APNU stands ready to deliver the very best in local governance to the people of Linden and Kwakwani and with your continued support will ensure that we demand and receive our due share of the resources of this country of ours, to the benefit of all Guyanese.
Again, we thank the people of Linden and Kwakwani, and are confident that with your continued engagement and support, we will realize our quest for true and equitable development across Guyana.