Dear Editor
I wish to register my disappointment with the Village Voice for publishing a letter which is clearly aimed at imputing mala fides on me both professionally and personally.
It also makes allegations which appear to be designed to bring my public image into disrepute. The Village Voice has even denied me an opportunity to face the author by not publishing his or her name, so that I could respond to the individual by name. By taking this course of action the publication has aided in spreading libel, a fact which will not be overlooked in planned litigation.
On 30 December 2022 the Village Voice published a letter titled “an Open letter to his Worship Mayor Ubraj Narine” on their website, at the foot of the letter it is signed “Sincerely yours, Concerned Citizen”. It appears that the author of the letter, who must have asked for their name to be withheld, wished to throw daggers in the dark at me. I have no fear in responding in my own name as a person who holds a public portfolio. In the anonymous letter the author has enjoined me to answer. I will answer but not to the rumors that the author has sunk to pedal protected by the cloak of anonymity. I only respond to provide facts and clarity on issues which will no doubt be of interest to citizens of the City of Georgetown and perhaps the Guyanese population as a whole.
The author starts his misguided attack with the allegation that it is stated in the press that I was not Supporting of his Worship in his stand on behalf of the vendors, this is patently false. Any cursory review of the news from the 11 December 2022 to the date the anonymous author’s letters was published would turn up evidence to the contrary, that I have supported the vendors and did support the Mayor’s stand in relation to the vendors. See one of the articles published:
What the news will also show is that I was not in support of the Mayor’s Muslim state comment. If this is what the author is concerned about, he should have said so outright. I stand firm in my position in relation to that matter and do wish to draw to his or her attention that the Mayor has since publicly apologised for the comment. On the subject of where I reside, I reside within the Constituency which I was elected to serve. That Constituency has fixed boundaries and I continue to live within them although moving from one house to another while still having a presence at my Section K address. If the author wishes to make himself or herself known, I am open to visits at my office at City Hall to provide clarity by showing the author the map of my Constituency. On the subject of fulfilling my responsibilities, I am a man who fulfills my personal and professional responsibilities with enthusiasm. I wish to take this opportunity to highlight some of my fulfilling obligations as a servant of the citizens of Georgetown: Firstly, at the Council meeting of the 12December2022, regarding the said vending issue I supported the motion to stand with the vendors and proffered for it be varied to work with Central Government to find a collaborative approach should there be need for a move/replacement.
Secondly, I have been working tirelessly in committees with administration to increase the Councils rate collection by finding innovative ways to work with our taxpayers whom have outstanding indebtedness to us. Thirdly, as Deputy mayor, I have led many processes with His Worship the Mayor and Councillors to create numerous policies to regulate the way administration deals with rate payers and the wider citizenry. Fourthly, as a community man whom lived in at least four of the five areas in my Constituency and I am well known here, very personable and extremely respected and loved in the area.
So the effort to besmirch one character by hiding behind the curtains is a callous way of living one’s life. Hence without proper closure to this matter and any further attempts to throw shade at me without empirical evidence and facts will be challenged to the fullest extent of the law. As parting advice to the author who I cannot address by name so I must address by nature, please consider the words of Ezra Pounda guiding star for your writing in 2023 and beyond.“If a man isn’t willing to take some risk for his opinions, either his opinions are no good or he is no good.”
Alfred Mentore
Deputy Mayor Servant of the Citizens of Georgetown