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July 4th, 2023, will mark the 50th anniversary of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM).
The Caribbean Community Secretariat (CCS) launches the 50th Anniversary Logo Competition to commemorate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Caribbean Community (“CARICOM”).
This competition aims to raise awareness and sensitize nationals of the Community on the role, importance and achievements of the Caribbean Community in the Regional Integration development agenda over the past 50 years.
The competition also aims to raise interest and actively engage nationals in celebrating the Caribbean Community’s Anniversary in a manner that encourages creativity, innovation and learning while fostering and infusing the CARICOM identity and spirit of Community and unity.
The Logo must be in keeping with the Slogan “50 Years Strong: A Solid Foundation to Build On.”
In order to be eligible for consideration, logos must be submitted electronically using the Logo Competition Entry Form and signed by each entrant no later than 25 January 2023.
Competition guidelines and more details can be found here.