Dear Editor,
Recently I drove by the Guyana Public Service Cooperative Credit Union (GPSCCU) office on Hadfield Street. I was surprised at the level of deterioration of the recently restored avenue between John and Lime Streets. In April 2022 amidst pomp and ceremony, the credit union commissioned the restored avenue. That together with the renovated office building made that section of Hadfield Street very popular. Many of us began driving along the avenue to feast our eyes even though our destinations did not require that we use that route.
Not anymore, the rundown nature of the avenue in this short space of time has become an eyesore and should be a cause for concern by all members of the GPSCCU.
Like the avenue, it is my information that staff morale is at its lowest in the Credit Union and members are suffering as a result. Services that up to recently were delivered in a day are now taking weeks, and premier products such as mortgages and car loans discontinued.
More importantly, the credit union has failed to hold its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in keeping with the laws of Guyana, Cooperatives Societies Act, Cap. 88:01. A recent petition by members calling on the Committee of Management (CoM) to hold a Special General Meeting (SGM) has been disregarded by the CoM and is now a case before the courts.
Unfortunately, staff members are complaining that while all this is happening the members of the CoM, are flouting all the rules of the society. Their interests seem to be on enjoying the resources of the Society for their personal benefit. Recently they have gone on a spending spree traveling to Jamaica, USA, Scotland and Panama. These trips, I understand, cost the society in excess of one million dollars per individual. Members are yet to receive any reports coming out of these trips. The staff are also complaining that while members are being turned down for mortgages and car loans, the members of the CoM are awarding themselves mortgages and car loans.
This situation is very untenable and must be given urgent attention by members of the Credit Union.
Trevor Benn