And like a tropical storm, the pandemic landed, flattening Freedom House, to expose a dreadfully unsafe Healthcare Sector. But that we knew, with this column and letters proffering propositions, to remedy the countless failings. However, the messenger they labelled a medical WikiLeaks, thus thwarting further embarrassing exposures, was made priority.
But soon enough the penny dropped, that the failings exposure was inevitable, thus with mitigation the only recourse, disinformation was disseminated, propagandising PPP Healthcare as creme de la creme. To that end, Dr. Ramsammy, former Spyware Chief, was offered an irresistible retirement package, as Propagandist Extraordinaire. However, being inherently Holstein, over the moon he was, confabulating stories on PPP cardiac interventions and kidney transplantations, registering numero uno in the Caribbean. But mistaken he was, that his audience was the anencephalics of red, for cognisant are the smarties, Russia’s conviction rate stands at 99.75%. However, provided context on their Judiciary lack of independence, his predisposition to spewing numerical garbage in isolation, positioned him at the lowest level of the buffoonery scale.
Having said that, unaware he must be, of the eye closing tragedies at CHI, compelling Dr Carpen to finally embrace his status, Psuedologia Fantastica Interventional Cardiologist. For him with a needle, is analogous to managing Covid-19 without ventilators, such that if events turn horribly wrong, a premature earthly departure it will be, since against international recommendations, he practices without lifesaving cardiothoracic backup. However, in Drs Carpen and Kishore Persaud, PPP has twinned medical masqueraders, both enjoying Dr. Ramsammy’s approval, not dissimilar to his laughable approval of Sputnik-V.
IDB assessment
But PPP is far from Sam Blinds stupid, for aware they are, they can fool some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but they can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Thus, the Propagandist Extraordinaire was seconded to GuySuCo, to mentor Sugar Sase, who hasn’t been lying to PPP high standard. Thereafter, was an Inter-American Development Bank(IDB) loan application, to fund whitewashing of their Healthcare catastrophes. However, cognisant of Su’s Boss Fly Money record, IDB risked lives and limbs, in personally appraising PPP Healthcare, concerned about another Pradoville Ponzi Schemes.
Then with world-class Archeologists onboard, 330 health facilities were appraised for closeted skeletons, unearthing findings that would’ve scared the bowels out of seasoned undertakers. For 94% of the hospitals are without treated water, over 80% without basic medicines, 20% without electricity, as only 60% with continuous water.
Further, 24 face infrastructural dire straits, with GPHC loud creaks, a not so subtle cries, for oil monies investments. Furthermore, only 76% of hospitals have doppler machines, a US$76 device easily accessible on Amazon. Only 68% have sterilisers. Only 48% have ultrasound machines. Only 32% have uterine evacuation equipment. Only 28% have sets for IUCD contraceptives insertion. Only 17% have cold storage for medicines and vaccines, including Covid-19 vaccines.
Notably, incinerators and sterilizer-shredder systems, for medical waste disposal, are nonexistent, with 54% of the facilities openly burning medical waste. Further, over 50 and 30% of health-posts and health-centres respectively, are without ambulances.
Then unsurprisingly, GPHC with perennial sluggish patient flow, has wards consistently above 100% occupancy, returning to the dark days of two per bed. However, the breathless patients aren’t spared, with long queues a norm for ventilators. Thus, as the world was transitioning to sophisticated minimally invasive surgery techniques, PPP focus was on maximising phantom deaths.
Then the supposedly tertiary hospital, counts only six operating rooms, hence lacks capacity for elective and emergency surgeries, even as A&E of 50% capacity, has no designated paediatric, psychological or isolation areas, with patients consistently transferred in open public thoroughfares.
What’s more, the New Amsterdam Hospital constructed 20yrs ago, is still without outpatient clinics, inpatient wards, laboratory, sterilisation unit, administrative building or accomodation for medical and paramedical staff on call. But with PPP blame shifting, carbon dating was undertaken, authenticating the heinous healthcare skeletons to 1992-2015, including those of Linden Hospital, ill-equipped to deliver a safe obstetric, neonatal child health services, and burns unit.
The fact is, this column has written volumes, recommending aborting build for ballots policy, to formulate policies, informed by independent studies, as articulated thereunder, from the July 31st column, “Building for ballots,”
“But unscientific is this building for ballots policy, without independent studies on our healthcare service, to identify needs, factoring in health economics.”
Thus, we inquire;
- A healthcare, where 94% of the hospitals don’t have treated water, are we ready for complex kidney transplantations?
- Where more than 80% don’t have access to basic medicines, 20% are without electricity and 40% without continuous water, are we ready for Specialty Hospitals?
- Where 24 facilities are desperately in need of rehabilitation, do we need cardiac or a devine intervention?
- Where only 76% of hospitals are equipped with doppler machines. Only 68% have sterilisers. Only 48% have ultrasound machines. Only 28% have sets for IUCD insertion. Only 17% have cold storage. Only 54% have incinerators and sterilizer-shredder systems. Over 50 and 30% of health-posts and health-centres respectively, don’t have ambulance access. Is this creme de la creme healthcare? Well, IDB doesn’t think so;
“All these deficiencies negatively affect the integrity and continuity of service provision and proper functioning of health services networks”
For these failings are at the most basic of levels, nevertheless PPP is brainlessly chasing complicated medicine. Where the perennially clueless Dr. Frank Anthony, in full eureka mode, celebrated at the passage of the Organ Transplant Bill. When preceding the Bill, this column presented volumes, explanatory to why we aren’t ready for transplantation, instead attention should be on getting the basics right. But such was disregarded, since their political doctors thirst the unsuspecting, to undertake kidney transplantation experimentation.
In fact, the dialysis unit exemplifies PPP cognitive chaos, where ultra-pure water is needed for dialysis, but with health facilities virtually without treated water, and dialysis water likely being sourced from the Lamaha canal, the cognitive cretins are chasing complex kidney transplantation. For this is analogous to fools, unable to buy a bottled water, yet aiming to buy Banks DIH.
So be wary of their lies, that this healthcare deathtrap was APNU+AFC making, even though they hogged power for 25 of the last 30yrs. But this reminder, their abject record includes mismanaging the Sugar Industry to a bitter death, however this involve lives not livelihoods, so concerning it’s, their Healthcare Sector is programmed, Le Repentir.