—CXC to use Guyana to release results of CAPE, CSEC
The Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) has chosen Guyana to release this year’s results of the Caribbean Secondary Education Certification (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE)
The examinations were written during the period of June -July of this year. The examinations were written later this year due to the effects, consequences, and impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the Caribbean and the world, the Ministry of Education said in a press release.
“It is the honour and privilege of the Government of Guyana and Ministry of Education to announce that CXC has chosen Guyana as the host country to ‘release’ this year’s CAPE and CSEC results on October 14, 2021. These results will be available to candidates on the CXC’s online portal from the October 15, 2021,” the ministry stated.
The Council’s representatives and MoE Officials will preside over this ceremony during which Guyana’s Minster of Education is scheduled to deliver the feature address.
NGSA 2021
Meanwhile, the ministry said too that the National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) was also affected by the pandemic and written on August 4-5 of this year. Since 2016, CXC was contracted by the Government of Guyana to develop, administer, and mark this examination/assessment annually. This year to further advance the transparency and integrity of the examination/assessment, CXC’s responsibilities were extended and increased to include verification of raw scores as well the conduct and management of all reviews or appeals after the results are published and further to present the data and analysis of each year’s assessment.
The Ministry of Education said it has been informed by CXC that the raw scores will be ready and sent from Barbados to Guyana by Tuesday, September 28, 2021, after which the National Data Management Authority (NDMA) will standardise the scores and offer placements according to the scores and print results’ slips.
“The Ministry of Education is happy to announce that, in collaboration with CXC, we will be announcing and releasing the results by October 15, 2021.”
In addition, from this year:
1. NGSA candidates will NOT be penalised with their raw scores because they were older than 12 years 6 months at the end March of the year the examination was written.
2. The standardised scores per subject will be rounded up to the nearest whole number and the TOTAL score will be given as a decimal number thereby offering candidates more fairness.
The MoE would also like to encourage this year’s NGSA, CSEC and CAPE candidates to return all textbooks and resource materials to their respective schools. Failure to do so may result in not being able to access results.