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Dear Editor,
We, the elected members of the Central Executive Committee of the People’s National Congress Reform were dismayed by the publication of an anonymous, unauthorised and unsigned ‘Statement’ titled – David Granger will not be allowed to turn the PNCR into a one man show . With regard to the specific matter to which the anonymous statement referred, we wish to bring the following facts to your attention:
– It was reported that APNU Executive Council, the Partnership’s highest decision-making body, held a properly constituted meeting on Thursday 10th June 2021.
– Mr. David Granger is properly the Chairman of A Partnership for National Unity and has held that position for ten years.
– The Executive Council meeting was attended by Mr. David Granger, Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform; Mr. Vincent Henry, General Secretary of the Guyana Action Party and Mr. Keith Scott, Leader of the National Front Alliance. Mrs. Volda Lawrence, Chairman of the PNCR, was also invited but asked to be excused.
– APNU executive members deliberated and collectively and unanimously approved the applications of the Equal Rights and Justice Party by its leader Mr. Jaipaul Sharma and the Guyana Nation Builders Movement by its leader, Mrs. Tabitha Sarabo-Halley.
– PNCR CEC did not reach a decision on the issue and the publication of the ‘Statement’ was unknown to the Central Executive Committee which is due to meet soon.
PNCR disassociates itself from the ‘Statement.’ We wish to point out that the CEC did not authorize, and does not endorse the public disclosure of discussion of internal Party matters under current consideration by the Central Executive Committee.
We denounce, most emphatically, the personal attacks against our constitutionally-elected Party Leader, Mr. David Granger, by a minority of persons who did not have the courage to affix their names to the ‘Statement’ but who claimed, cowardly, to write on behalf of the entire CEC.
Yours sincerely,
Jennifer Ferreira-Dougal, Shurwayne Holder, Ganesh Mahipaul, Ernest Elliott & Annette Ferguson
Elected Members, PNCR CEC.