Even though I have removed myself completely from Guyana politics, I cannot sit back while allowing disinformation to be peddled without a rebuttal.
For last week Friday I was perusing Village Voice News when I noticed a letter penned by a good friend Mark Da Costa. Indeed, from the outset I must state that I do concur with Mark that all Guyanese should have the Covid vaccines. Where we diverge is his unscientific commentary that the vaccines in Guyana are of proven efficacious. While this is true for Oxford-AstraZeneca, it is far from true for SinoPharm and Covaxin. The fact is, neither of these two vaccines have any efficacy or safety data which explains why our Covid deaths are not inversely related to vaccination in our programme. Therefore, I would argue that Guyanese must be vaccinated but vaccination must be with an efficacious and safe vaccine which neither SinoPharm or Covaxin are.
The reality is, two months ago PPP were celebrating that the variants have been successfully kept out of Guyana, after testing ten solitary samples. And it is true, I was the solitary voice, utilising both scientific and common sense, to counter PPP fallacious argument. Unfortunately, my solitary cries of further increases in Covid deaths were disregarded to the extent that plans were set in motion to silence the messenger since he was schooling their quintet of quacks.
Then as predicted it came to pass. The variants breached our non-existent borders with minimal resistance from the useless Chinese and Indian vaccines. Further, my predictions were echoed a few weeks ago by PAHO. Of note PAHO completely disregarded the quintet of quacks barren argument of increase testing.
And it is for these reasons that Guyana will forever remain a perennial backward country under PPP since their politicians struggle to deal with characters who are forthright, articulate and intellectually potent. As a result, they will utilise all machinery in their powers to foolishly attempt to silence said individuals failing to recognise that such attempts will inevitable end in futility. And it is only fitting that the curtains be brought down by highlighting a further area that Mark Da Costa and I agree. Certainly I do support his postulation that being vaccinated doesn’t preclude public health practices but with this addendum- Moreso when the vaccines in arms are of questionable efficacy and safety. For an untested vaccine is no better than no vaccine.