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The Government has had to make allocation within Budget 2021 to clear off a $163M debt owed in electricity charges by the Department of Citizenship / Stephen Campbell Building, racked up over five years.
This was revealed on Tuesday during the consideration of the budget estimates. It came following an inquiry of Opposition Leader, Joseph Harmon into the increase of electricity charges under the Office of the President (OP) from $30M in 2020 to $236M in 2021.
In response, Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, Gail Teixeira told the Committee of Supply: “This figure includes approximately $163 million that accrued over the last five years that weren’t paid for the Citizenship and Immigration building/Stephen Campbell building which is opposite the Office of the President. Apparently, for five years, no electricity was paid.”
Harmon also inquired about the increase in water charges from $2M in 2020 to $10M in 2021. Teixeira stated that this sum includes the water charges for the OP, State House, the Department of Citizenship / Stephen Campbell Building, and the various villas such as Castellani House.