We are living through a new world order where lies are being permeated in society, where so called decent people will try to change reality. Blue will no longer be blue; it will be whatever colour they want it to be. A lie will no longer be a lie once they say it is true. What these liars are trying to do is change the meaning of words and its concomitant consequences. The sad part is that so many people believe and are led astray to believe these lies and were willing to fight, hurt others and even die to represent the lies. How can we live in a world where reality is denied by some and remain a conjecture of their imagination?
Guyana is a cesspool of lies. Those who want us to think a particular way and for us to continue to see each other as enemies are not operating in our best interest. They benefit when the two major races view each other suspiciously and as a threat. A threat whether to their economic greed, their desire for power and hogging of the nation’s resources.
Recognise the government, like United States (U.S) Donald Trump, has a stranglehold on their supporters where they can tell them night is day and they believe it. Whereas Trump was elected in the U.S he is a man with similar characteristics of leaders like Adolf Hitler and the butcher from Mahaica who believe in lying and use of lies to hold on to power.
The government painting of an alternate reality is nothing new. The standards they seek to hold others to are not what they are willing to accept or ascribe for themselves. Even when the party is the aggressor or in the wrong, in the government or opposition, they have always presented themselves as victims.
The lies told to this society has kept society in a permanent state of lies over the years, fueling racial tension and division that they take advantage of to streamline Indian votes. The other major race (African) only gets accolades if or when they support them or do their bidding. People must recognise this and resist this oppressive and subjugation of free thoughts and free speech.
The 2020 Guyana and U.S elections have proven that the term “s…hole,” as used by Trump, does not only apply to Third World countries but also applicable to some First World leaders. We can no longer give blanket credibility to international forces. The U.S was once seen in our society as representation of some decency just based on being American, but now we know that America is just as vulnerable as we are because they are wicked and dishonest leaders in every country.
During the Trump administration we recognised even the strong America is not without vulnerability. His presidency in this modern era is an anomaly. And whereas it cannot be said other presidents were not without shortcoming the extent and magnitude to which Trump has taken lying is vastly different. He has sustained a presidency lying for almost, if not, everything, even having the gall to defend his lying by saying to the media, when challenged with evidence, that “the truth is not the truth.”
He lied about his health, taxes, inauguration crowd size, immigration policy that saw children separated from their parents. He lied about the economy on his watch praising it as the best ever when the evidence proves to the contrary. He lied about his administration’s response to COVID-19, including the vaccine distribution; Climate Change, his discussions with Russia President Vladimir Putin and other world leaders; and the women he violated. He sets the citizens against each other based on lies and hate.
He lied that he won the 2020 election and made false claims that he was denied victory which his supporters were led to believe. At the close of 2020 Trump had more than 50 court challenges against various states on charges the election was fraudulent though they were unable to provide evidence of massive fraud that could have affected the outcome in his favour.
Guyana 2020 election was riddled with discrepancies, yet a declaration was made without the authentication of the results consistent with the Guyana Elections Commission’s Order 60 of 2020. This nation was forced to accept a result based on lies and inconsistent with our electoral processes. We also had to contend with forces, particularly Trump and his lieutenants, who were directing what should be done and threatening the consequences that would be faced for non-compliance.
What Trump did to the Guyana election in 2020 and Bolivia in 2019 he sought to apply a similar strategy in his presidential bid. The difference is that whereas Bolivia and Guyana’s institutions buckled, the leaders cowered and there was regime change, the institutions, and leaders in the U.S refused to be compromised. The result is Trump is the one leaving office based on the will of the people. In Bolivia, a subsequent independent report (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) advised that the ruling party did not lose the election and a new election held in 2020 returned them to government.
In Guyana whereas there were massive irregularities the society was denied the opportunity to declare credible votes consistent with Order 60 of 2020. I am on record stating that for democracy to stand GECOM cannot fail but the institution failed us because the leaders failed to stand up for what is just and fair. There is nothing wrong in legally applying the full scope of the law to uphold justice or circumvent injustice. It is one thing when an election is suspected to be compromised and declared but another when it is known to be compromised and declared.
In the case of Guyana’s election, I believe there were two roads- a political road and a legal road. I am yet to be convinced the legal road while travelled was not paved with political machinations. Guyana has been hurt by electoral deceits. On one hand leaders abrogated their constitutional responsibility and on the other hand external forces in collusion with internal self-interest trampled democratic institutions to realise a specific declared result. Those who are challenging the declaration in the court present an opportunity for democratic institutions to stand and be counted now that the Trump administration is no more.
To be continued….