…Gender-based candlelight vigil set for tonight
The University of Guyana (UG) has launched a continuous campaign against Gender Based Violence and will host a virtual candlelight vigil on December 10, 2020 at 19:00h via Zoom Webinar (ID: 975 6807 6655) in remembrance of victims who died as a result of domestic violence and those who live with trauma and injuries as a result.
There will also be an Online Sticker Campaign shared on UG’s website (www.uog.edu.gy) and other social media platforms.
Further, rotating banners will be mounted at the entrances of Turkeyen and Berbice Campuses, and the Institute of Distance and Continuing Education (IDCE) locations around Guyana, throughout 2021, to give pointers on how to end genderbased violence and direct victims and perpetrators on how to receive help, the University said.
“Throughout the year, the Anti-Violence Campaign will be held under differing sub-themes such as Survivors Never Forget; Domestic Violence – More than a Fist; Covering up and Wearing Makeup; and Creating Peace and Security in Our Homes and Communities,” a statement from the University said.
The initiative is aimed at supporting the work of agencies directly involved in supporting families and communities by creating awareness, informing and educating the public, and providing care in helping to create a violence free society.
The project is being done in collaboration with Department of Events, Conferences, and Communication (DECC), Office of the Vice-Chancellor; Philanthropy, Alumni and Civic Engagement (PACE) – Office of the Vice-Chancellor; Institute of Gender Studies (IGS); The UG Library; Social Work Unit, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences; School of Behavioural Sciences, College of Medical Sciences; and Centre of Excellence for Teaching and Learning (CoETaL).