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Dear Editor
Where is your humanity, where is your Justice? What kind of politics is this, is this the Guyana you want us to live in?
Several days ago we’ve witnessed the continuation of the relentless political victimisation and harassment of the installed PPP regime. The firing and now arrest of one of Guyana’s most consummate professional with international repute, Mr. Colvin Heat-London, former CEO of NICIL is another glaring example of the government’s act of political witch hunting and ethnic cleansing, aimed at tarnishing the good reputation of Africans, indigenous and East Indian Guyanese professionals whom they deemed were aligned to the Coalition Administration.
Mr Colvin Heat-London brought to NICIL a background of international experience versed in the art of modern management techniques that were required to address the many woes of a cash-strapped, bankrupt state entity.
The government’s political witch hunting and public relations stunts to justify their discriminatory and career ruining reputation of this professional black Guyanese leaves much to be desired.
Mr. Heath-London came home to serve his country and provided prudent management of the affairs of NICIL since taking office in November 2018 and has transformed it up until him being the latest victim of this racist and vindictive regime.
The gentleman has left the finances at USD 1.9M, GYD 600M, and GYD 1.2B ministry official state.
Mr. Editor, despite the notorious unsubstantiated claims and accusations of the now judge, jury and executioner Attorney General and Minister of legal affairs against Mr. Heath-London, the record shows, that the man’s actions and conduct confirmed with the law and all legal provisions and requirements at all times, especially in decision making on behalf of the entity.
It is important to note Mr. Editor, that some of the very lawyers whose services were procured to draft the many agreements of sale and lease of lands from this said entity to countless Guyanese are allegedly being used to discredit those very said legal documents they were responsible for.
Isn’t this a gross conflict of interest? Where is the professionalism?
Mr. Editor, as irrefutable facts would have it, Mr.Colvin Heath-London has outperformed his predecessors, Mr. Winston Brassington and Mr Horace James, in length and width when he assumed headship of the agency, that was in financial tatters . It was Mr. Heath-London’s management which is the result of today, NICIL having billions in its accounts. The agency has had a positive cash flow since he to reins as CEO which cannot be contested.
It was his negotiating skills, that secured the 30 Billion bond for the restructuring of GuySuCo; restoration of the famous landmark, Watooka House in Linden; converting Skeldon Estate into Skeldon Heritage Resort; the Berbice Inn, the Kwakwani State House and the Ituni Guest house into entities that have all been generating income for the state.
NICIL under the stewardship of Mr. Heath-London, pursued very rigid due diligence procedures and compiled a ‘Land Use Policy’. This policy document allowed for a clear alignment of the processes involved in lands under NICIL’s remit. All of these transactions were approved by NICIL’s BOARD and not the individual being victimised and vilified by the PPP henchman. All of the transactions were above board.
NICIL’S operations contained in the by-laws, “gives the company broad, sweeping powers to do practically anything under the sun.”
The question is, How then can he be maligned by racists for clearly carrying out the decisions of the company and by expansion, government’s policy?
The truth of the matter or the elephant in the room, is that this illegally installed regime hierarchy is most upset that some of the prime state lands are in the hands of black Guyanese people, East Indian and others whom the PPP deemed not worthy and believed those persons and businesses supported the coalition.
Another fact is that they are aware that those lands were lawfully acquired.
They just don’t want a certain group of people, particularly black people to be owners of the means of production, LAND. Be it house lot, lease land etc. They dont want certain people in senior positions in state run entities and to be benefactors of certain state/ government contracts.
One of the said reality also that is most glaring, is the deafening silence of the so called champions for democracy and human rights.
Where are the voices of the ABCE ambassadors, Guyana Human Rights Association, the Ethnic Relations Commission, The Bar Association of Guyana, Rams, Nacinmentos, kissoons, the pop up so- called Independent political parties and many others? Where are these defenders of civil liberties, the defenders of justice and freedom?
I refuse to believe they are hiding in the deep pockets of nefarious characters and behind the doors of state boards and political appointed positions.
When will they become the real voice against injustice, against discrimination and abuse of power, when will the speak up for Guyana? When?
It has already risen its ugly head, can’t you see, can’t you speak?
Yours respectfully,
Jermaine Figueira.
Member of Parliament