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Dear Editor,
I write this letter while like the rest of the world, we await the outcome of the US election. Many Guyanese at home and abroad are hoping for results that will give them some comfort in spite of the worrying situation of polarization extant in the great United States of America.
Similar to the American nation we Guyanese face our own pandemic of political and ethnic polarization. Recent events at Cotton Tree West Coast Berbice are not helpful. They remind us of our distrust and perhaps most worrisome of all a growing lack of confidence in our judiciary and sections of our police force.
Every true patriot must be shocked by the statement this week of our police offering a three-million-dollar reward for information that could lead interestingly to the apprehension and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the torture of the two Henry cousins and the murder of Suresh Singh which allegedly took place in the Cotton Tree village community.
Few will be surprised if citizens on all sides of our political and ethnic divide get the impression that those who control the hierarchy of the police force never saw the need to bring the killers of these three young men to justice.
The Ministry of Home Affairs and the police failed to answer questions surrounding the quantity and quality of ranks assigned to the Cotton Tree assassinations and whether more ranks and energy were utilized on barbershop chairs and the persecution of GECOM personnel and political activist.
Then the reward of three million dollars(Guyana not US) an amout which the nouveau-riche and the well connected spend on their weekend jaunts. When denouncement came of this three-million-dollar reward I was satisfied without a shadow of a doubt that the administrators of our justice system could not be serious.
I pray and hope that we can joyfully make a reality of the words of the 19’centary American senator Charles Summer “Let Justice Be Done Though The Heavens Fall”. To the relatives of the Henry cousins and Suresh Singh I ask you to be patent. I ask you to ponder and cling to the following found in the Holy Bible” Romans:12:19 Dearly Beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head”.
Hamilton Green