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The Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) extends greetings to all Guyanese, particularly the Muslim community, in observance of Youman Nabi; the birth and death anniversary of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
The ERC notes, that the public holiday, reflects the embedded Guyanese tradition of nationwide recognition of auspicious observances within the major religions. It overwhelmingly supports the nurturing and continued advancement of the religious diversity which exists in our multi-faceted society.
The Commission also urges that the significance of Youman Nabi be reflected upon, through its pertinent messages for all humanity. The observance of this auspicious occasion will serve to reinforce, among Muslims and the wider world, the teachings of the Holy Prophet which, centuries after, remain relevant today and continue to be an inspirational guide to all.
The Holy Quran refers to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) as a mercy to mankind. Love and respect for each other and the practice of Islam’s major tenets leading ultimately to spiritual elevation, are among the teachings of the Holy Prophet to reform mankind’s behaviour and the acceptance of God and his commandments. The ERC firmly believes that in heeding those lessons, mankind will be better positioned to free itself from traits that serve to hinder unity and harmony. The ERC reminds all as well, to take the necessary steps to remain safe from COVID-19 during this national observance.