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– Linden Cancer Society first beneficiary
The Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GTT) has secured 1000 cervical cancer screening kits through its Pinktober Fund and has donated 125 of those kits to the Linden Cancer Society.
“To meet a societal need, 1000 pap smear kits were purchased to assist with early screening in Guyana. The Linden Cancer Society will be immediately benefitting from 125 of those screening kits,” GTT’s Pinktober Coordinator, Diana Gittens said.
GTT has also provided the Linden Cancer Society with hygienic care packages. “We understand the risks associated with screening during this pandemic – this is why we have also added hygienic care packages to our gift of kits,” explained Gittens.
Dr. Salome Henry, President of the Linden Cancer Society thanked GTT for the screening kits.
“We welcome this donation. Although COVID-19 has affected how we interact, people have been asking about when we would start screening again. Cervical cancer screening helps us to detect changes of the cervix – a possible sign of Cancer,” said Dr. Henry. “These changes will not wait for COVID-19 to be over. So having access to tests will help to ease the fears of these women. We are glad that we have this donation of kits so we can continue our work in the community,” Dr. Henry remarked.
GTT has plans to distribute more pap smear tests to Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) across the country. The company’s Pinktober drive comes to an end on October 31 and individuals and companies are invited to help touch a life by purchasing Pinktober bottles from any GTT retail store or online – and by making a donation through mmg+, using code 07693.
All proceeds raised, go directly towards the Fund to help support initiatives such as the purchase and distribution of cancer screening kits.