Dear Editor,
I once again, and probably for the last time on this matter, crave your indulgence to respond to Freddie Kissoon`s bile. I empathize with him. I know it is not easy to find material for a daily column. But, certainly that is no reason for his disingenuity and intellectual dishonesty. On the last occasion, I did not respond to the content of his column for the simple reason that it was constructed on untruths and slanderous statements. His column of October 20, 2020 is no different.
I will on this occasion, once again highlight his dishonesty. I have noted that he never refutes my corrections but probably hopes that, repeated in goebbelsian fashion, his untruths will be regarded as facts.
Untruth number one: “Here in Guyana were four prominent Guyanese belonging to organisations that participated in elections, won elections, held crucial policymaking positions in government but when they lost an election suddenly competitive election is irrelevant” (sic). I challenge Kissoon to state which of the organizations/parties I belong to that contested the elections and further which policy-making position I held in the Government.
Untruth number two: “Is it safe to say that Alexander shouted “eureka, election kyaaan wuk” when he found out his party lost the 2020 poll?”. Freddie knows, as much as anyone else, having been told by me personally, for decades now what is my position on the dysfunctionality of elections in Guyana, irrespective of who wins. It is public record. Check what I said at the UK funded public symposium on constitutional reform over three years ago or what I said on the State of the Nation or Walter Rodney Groundings television programmes, in addition to making other public statements long before the elections. The records are there to `skin-up’ Freddie’s ignorance or maliciousness. Freddie’s trait of creating fables to justify his conclusions is a major indictment against him as an academic and ‘so-called’ journalist.
It is not for me to speak for Hinds or Phillips but I am quite aware that both of them have been advocates of Power Sharing or Inclusive Governance or Unity Government for the longest while and that that is public knowledge. Why is Kissoon so bent on misleading the public with untruths and creating false and baseless conclusions. Freddie may feel that he is speaking for himself but everyone of his concocted columns, while being colourful fiction, brings his alma mater and former place of employ into disrepute because of his despicable intellectual conduct.
Vincent Alexander